JAKARTA - The Ministry of Housing and Settlement Areas (PKP) revealed that the 3 Million Houses Program needs to pay attention to waste management.

The Director General of Rural Housing of the Ministry of PKP Imran stated that the implementation of the construction of the 3 Million Houses Program also needs to pay attention to household domestic waste management.

"The implementation of residential development in the 3 Million Houses Program needs to pay attention to waste management as well. This is very important for the community and to maintain a cleaner environment," said Imran in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, January 22.

In addition to being able to make a clean and healthy residential environment, good waste management is able to improve welfare and build a good living culture.

For information, Deputy Minister of Housing and Settlement Areas (PKP) Fahri Hamzah revealed, the Self-Help Housing Stimulant Assistance Program (BSPS) must be equipped with sanitation facilities.

The Deputy Minister of PKP said that the BSPS Program had been considered good so far, but there needed to be additional in terms of facilitation of washing facilities and cases (MCK).

"The quality of the house that has been improved to be livable must also be equipped with sanitation facilities (MCK) and the community is also educated to maintain cleanliness by disposing of waste in its place.

Fahri hopes that the Regional Governments spread across 38 provinces, 415 regencies and 98 cities as well as around 8,000 sub-districts, 75,000 villages and 20,000 more sub-districts as well as support from 1.2 million RT and RW to succeed in Mutual Cooperation to Build Houses for the People in their respective regions.

This spirit, according to him, is very important to eradicate people's houses that are not worthy of assistance so that they are more livable. Fahri also appealed to houses on the banks of the river not to dump waste into the river. The main priority of the BSPS Program in addition to the housing quality improvement program is MCK.

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