JAKARTA - PT Surveyor Indonesia is committed to supporting a sustainable economy through a Cooperation Agreement with PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance (IIF) related to Services in the field of Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) Advisory and Sustainable Financing.

Present at the signing of the cooperation agreement, Director of Finance and Risk Management of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Wahyu Witjaksono, along with Vice President of the Business Division of Sustainability and Environment of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Winda Ary Susanti, Interim Chief Executive Officer as well as Chief Financial Officer of PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance, Rizki Pribadi Hasan, Managing Director and Chief Investment Officer of PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance, Mohammad Ramadhan Harahap, as well as Deputy Executive President and Head of the Advisory Group Directorate of PT Indonesia Infrastructure Finance, Irman Boyle.

This collaboration is established by looking at the global potential for ESG-based infrastructure which continues to increase along with the sustainability trend. Surveyors from Indonesia and IIF are here to expand access to revenue through ESG-based services and sustainable financing, creating long-term business diversification.

In his remarks, the Director of Finance and Risk Management of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Wahyu Witjaksono, said that the signing of this cooperation is expected to be a manifestation of joint collaboration in supporting and encouraging infrastructure projects that meet environmental needs.

"The signing of this collaboration is expected to be a manifestation of joint collaboration in supporting and encouraging infrastructure growth that meets better environmental, social and governance needs," he said in a written statement, Thursday, January 9.

He added that this collaboration is expected to create an infrastructure ecosystem that is more resilient, high standards and competitive through the synergy of IIF experience and expertise in finance and Surveyor Indonesia as a Testing, Inspection, Certification (TIC) Company.

As The Guardian of Assurance, PT Surveyor Indonesia has taken a role in ensuring the growth of national sustainable development through sustainable services and initiatives for the government, corporations and commodity industry.

Meanwhile, Interim Chief Executive Officer / Chief Financial Officer IIF, Rizki Pribadi Hasan said that this collaboration aims to increase IIF and Surveyor Indonesia collaboration on ESG Advisory services and sustainable financing for selected projects.

"Indonesian surveyors will contribute to technical services, namely surveys, assurances, certification, and compliance, while IIF will contribute to financial and commercial consulting services, including the implementation of project preparation services, development of funding strategies and financial assessments," he said.

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