JAKARTA When you just buy a laptop, charging will run normally and perhaps according to what the producers promised. However, this will change over time.
Laptops with ages that are old enough to feel slower charging. There are several factors that background this problem and you can overcome it by following the following tips, quoted via How to Geek.
Use Original Charger
The first thing you need to do is charge with the original cable from the manufacturer. If your own charger has problems, make sure to buy from the same producer so that the charging doesn't run slowly.
Because, using an incompatible charger can reduce the duration of battery disbursement. What's more, if the charger has low quality. If the charger from the producer is considered too expensive, you can buy a charger according to your laptop specifications from a leading brand.
Don't Connect To Other Devices
During charging, you are not allowed to attach another device to your laptop using a cable. Although the goal is only to move the data, this device can drain more energy so that charging will run slowly.
This prohibition applies to all types of devices, be it a cellphone or an external hard drive. You can move the data or reconnect the device after charging is complete.
Turn Off Laptops During Charging
The last possible most powerful way is to turn off the laptop as long as its power is filled. When the device is turned off, no operations are running, including in the background, so charging runs very smoothly.
If you don't want to turn off your laptop, you can select the Sleep option and close your laptop for a while. Keep in mind that charging in this way must be monitored regularly so that you don't overcharge.
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