JAKARTA - Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Maman Abdurrahman admitted that he had summoned representatives of Grab online motorcycle taxi (ojol) application providers. This meeting is to discuss the fate of online motorcycle taxis.

A meeting with Grab was held this afternoon at the MSME Ministry Office. Maman said the meeting lasted 1.5 hours. Several issues were discussed, such as Grab's contribution to MSMEs and support for the subsidized fuel oil (BBM) policy for ojol.

"Alhamdulillah, I met Grab earlier, first to discuss Grab's activities, Grab's achievements, Gran's contribution to MSME entrepreneurs throughout Indonesia. Even Grab has also contributed to financing the capital of our friends, brothers and sisters, MSME entrepreneurs throughout Indonesia," he said when met at The Park Pejaten Mall, Jakarta, Friday, December 6.

According to Maman, Grab is committed to supporting the government's needs regarding data collection on ojol drivers as part of the fuel subsidy policy. He said Grab was also willing to provide data on its drivers.

"That's okay. It's okay. They are ready to support all government interests and needs," he said.

Even so, Maman said there had been no discussion on how many drivers were recorded on the Grab platform. According to Maman, the data provided by this operator will be synchronized with Pertamina to ensure recipients of fuel subsidies.

"Not yet (discussing the number of drivers). We haven't entered there yet. Because it's important that we first agree on our friends from the ojol operator to support data collection from the government," he explained.

After Grab, Maman admitted that he would call other ojol operators, namely Gojek and Shopee. Maman said that the meeting with Gojek was scheduled for next week. Meanwhile, Shopee is being arranged.

"It would be like if it wasn't Monday, Tuesday. Later it will be arranged. We will also invite Shopee to meet. We invite all platforms to discuss it," he said.

"But in principle, we are sure that all of that is just technology, it's just a matter of synchronizing everything," he continued.

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