The Ministry of Public Works (PU) is making emergency response efforts due to landslides and floods that inundated a number of areas in Sukabumi Regency, West Java.

It is known that floods and landslides occurred on Wednesday, December 4, due to extreme rainfall that caused the rivers in Sukabumi Regency to overflow and inundate the surrounding area.

This flood caused the submergence of several village areas, roads, worship facilities and education and the suspension of suspension bridges.

"We continue to prioritize the safety and comfort of the affected communities. The Ministry of Public Works will provide full support in dealing with the impact of floods and landslides in Sukabumi," said Dody in a written statement, quoted on Thursday, December 6.

Dody said that his party had taken emergency response measures to reduce the impact of disasters and ensure the safety of the affected communities.

These steps were taken through the Citarum River Basin Center (BBWS), including sending 1 unit of PC 200 excavator type to support flood management and providing 500 geobags to control temporary flooding.

Then, the Ministry of Public Works also carried out intensive coordination with the West Java Provincial PSDA Office, West Java Provincial BPBD and sub-districts and villages in affected locations to ensure integrated handling.

Further identification will be carried out to map the needs of medium-term handling, especially in the watersheds of Cibuni, Cikaso and Cimandiri.

Furthermore, related to the handling of roads cut off due to land movement in Sagaranten District, the Ministry of Public Works through the West Java Regional Settlement Infrastructure Center (BPPW) has provided assistance in the form of 3 portable toilet units, 2 HU units, 1 toilet biodIGester (biority) and 1 emergency tent unit for 13 displaced families.

Dody appealed to the public to remain alert to the potential for further flooding and always follow directions from the authorities.

"We together with relevant agencies continue to monitor conditions in the field and ensure that the handling process goes well," he concluded.

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