Deputy Minister of Public Works (PU) Diana Kusumastuti said the progress of the construction of the State Mosque project in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN) had reached 45 percent since the laying of the first stone or groundbreaking by the 7th President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo (Jokowi), on Wednesday, January 18, 2024.
Diana requested that the cover of the roof or topping off process be completed in December 2024. So, structurally it can be used starting March 2025 and for Eid prayers next year.
"Please pay attention to progress, it's even faster. I ask March to enter Ramadan, it has been completed and Eid prayers can be used here," Diana said in her official statement, written Wednesday, December 4.
It is known that the State Mosque of the Capital City of Nusantara was built on an area of 32,125 square meters with a mosque building area of 61,596 square meters. In addition, there are also commercial buildings covering an area of 2,212 square meters (2 floors) and supporting buildings covering an area of 727 square meters (1 floor).
The mosque building consists of three parts, namely the main dome, open plaza and lamaret. The mosque dome takes the concept of the symbol of the self-isolation and the form of a galaxy andromeda as the infinity of the universe.
Then, the open plaza provides firmness in the direction of Qibla, continuously towards the minaret tower. The dynamic form of Minaret brings the universe's ups and downs.
The construction of the State Mosque is under the responsibility of the East Kalimantan Regional Settlement Infrastructure Agency (BPPW) with the implementing contractor PT Adhi Karya-PT Hutama Karya KSO.
Secara kontrak, pelaksanaan pembangunannya sudah dimulai sejak November 2023 dengan masa waktu pelaksanaan 400 hari kerja.
Previously, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) said that the construction of the State Mosque in the capital city of Nusantara (IKN), East Kalimantan, would be completed in 2025.
Chairman of the IKN Infrastructure Development Task Force (Satgas) of the Ministry of PUPR Danis H. Sumadilaga said, there were a number of obstacles that caused the State Mosque project to be delayed until next year. For example, related to the design revision which was originally able to have a capacity of 20,000 people to 60,000 people.
"Yesterday there may also be problems related to the land there. So, maybe later we will evaluate the time required with the progress," said Danis when met at his office, Friday, August 23.
According to Danis, there are other obstacles that also cause the State Mosque project to likely be completed next year, namely heavy rain.
"For example, because it rains, yes. Maybe in order to match our own calculations initially, how long will it take," he explained.
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