JAKARTA - President Director of PT Industri Jamu and Pharmacy Sido Muncul Tbk, David Hidayat won the Best CEO award by Tempo-IDNFInancials, on Friday, November 15, 2024.

"This award was obtained for the utilization optimized from local raw materials for herbal products produced by Sido Muncul," wrote Sido Muncul's statement on the Instagram account @sidomuncultbk, quoted Thursday, November 21.

Furthermore, one of Sido Muncul's main initiatives is to secure the supply of local raw materials by encouraging crop cultivation. The company also encourages the use of modern agricultural technology in collaboration with local farmers.

Optimizing local raw materials not only meets production needs, but also adds value to production waste by selling it to international markets.

"Thanks to the performance of David Hidayat and his brothers, Sido Muncul can survive and continue to advance to this day and in the future," explained Sido Muncul.

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