JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Agriculture Sudaryono invites the millennial generation to play an active role in food security by utilizing digital technology, in order to support the innovation and productivity of the agricultural sector in Indonesia.
"We live in an era where information and communication technology can become a very effective tool in increasing agricultural productivity. I invite millennials to be involved in various programs and initiatives that support national food security," said Wamentan in a statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, October 29.
Sudaryono invites the millennial generation to actively create innovative solutions in the agricultural sector to strengthen national food security.
According to him, the millennial generation has great potential in bringing change through the use of digital technology.
He also emphasized the importance of collaboration between the government, industry players, and the younger generation.
According to him, the agricultural sector needs not only labor, but also innovation in the management of resources, marketing, and product distribution.
"We need to create a digital platform that can facilitate interaction between farmers and consumers, as well as support small and medium enterprises in agriculture," he said.
With the spirit of collaboration and the use of technology, Wamenan is optimistic that millennials can become pillars in achieving sustainable food security and facing future food challenges.
According to Wamenan, the number of farmers in Indonesia is currently dominated by the elderly. Based on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), 38.02 percent of farmers are the baby boomers aged 41-56 years. Meanwhile, young farmers only reached 21.93 percent or around 6.2 million people.
The lack of young farmers or millennial farmers is a serious concern of the Ministry of Agriculture because it concerns the future of food in Indonesia. Therefore, his party launched various programs to increase the number of young farmers.
To overcome this problem, the Ministry of Agriculture encourages the growth of young farmers through the Millennial Farmers Ambassador (DPM) program of 2.5 million by 2024.
"Then other programs such as the Mainstay Farmers Ambassador (DPA), the Implementation of Agricultural Digitization (PDP) and the Growth of Young Agricultural Entrepreneurs (PWMP), as well as the Trade Farmers Program abroad," he explained.
"Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture Number 04 of 2019, millennial farmers are those aged 19 to 39 years and adaptive to digital technology," explained Sudaryono.
The program, he continued, aims to restore the economy of the agricultural community, foster the spirit of entrepreneurship, and increase food and livestock production.
Meanwhile, the Central Executive Board (DPP) of Indonesian Farmers Youth appreciates the efforts of the Ministry of Agriculture in encouraging the regeneration of farmers through various innovative programs.
Programs such as Youth Entrepreneurship and Employment Support Services (YESS), Young Agricultural Entrepreneurs (PWMP), and Millennial Farmer Ambassadors show the government's commitment to increasing the role of the younger generation in the agricultural sector.
Secretary General of the Indonesian Youth DPP, Suroyo, emphasized the importance of a holistic approach to attract young people to be involved in agriculture.
He emphasized that the challenges in encouraging the regeneration of farmers are very complex, given the low interest of the younger generation who are involved in this sector.
"From the 2023 agricultural census data, only 22 percent of the young generation are active in the agricultural sector. We need to increase this number to face future challenges," said Suroyo.
Suroyo also praised the Food Brigade program implemented in 12 provinces, which involved youth organizations to manage food commodity agribusiness.
He believes that incentives and access to agricultural technology will make it easier for the younger generation to enter this field.
Responding to the challenges of the VUCA era (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity), Suroyo stated the need for an adaptive and competent young generation.
"Adaptation to change is very important in dealing with climate uncertainty and market needs," said Suroyo.
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