JAKARTA - PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG) through the Social and Environmental Responsibility (TJSL) program, organizes Digital Marketing Strategy training for Gresik Micro and Small Enterprises (UMK) at the Grand Ballroom Hotel Horison, Gresik district, East Java, on Thursday 17 October, and Friday 18 October.

The training was attended by 42 UMK players from the Gresik fashion, culinary, and handicraft fields (craft) based on the recommendations of the Gresik Industry and Trade Micro Business Cooperative Service (Diskoperindadag).

Training participants come from 4 sub-districts in Gresik district, namely Kebomas, Gresik, Cerme and Manyar sub-districts. The training provided includes digital marketing strategies by optimizing e-commerce and social media, managing product information, effective product packaging practices, transaction bookkeeping, to mindsets in building business relationships to improve product marketing networks.

The Coordinator for TJSL of the Ministry of SOEs, Fahrudin Mustam, who was also present in the activity, gave positive appreciation to SIG for the implementation of training on digital utilization strategies for UMK players present. Fahrudin said that SIG as a state-owned company carries out the function of development agents and assists the government in improving the welfare of the community.

"In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 19 of 2003 concerning SOEs, one of the objectives of establishing SOEs is to actively assist weak economic entrepreneurs, cooperatives and the community. Therefore, GIS as a value creator must be able to move the wheels of the community's economy so that it has more added value," said Fahrudin, in his statement, Thursday, October 24.

According to Fahrudin, currently MSMEs in Indonesia face various challenges such as capacity building, quality and skill (access to capabilities) as well as increasing the market (access to market) so that MSME players are limited in developing their business. He admitted that the training, as done by SIG, was able to answer the challenges of MSMEs in Indonesia.

"We hope this training will be a means of learning and developing together. In accordance with the theme of training We Learn to Grow, We Earn to Grow, learning and producing to grow and shine together. Not only in terms of capacity but also income because you must be optimistic about being able to go digital and even go global," added Fahrudin.

On the same occasion, SIG also provided assistance with 1 cake cooking tool in the form of oven to participants from Gending Village, Kebomas District, Nunuk Sovi Yuniarti (47 years old), a dry pastel culinary UMK actor with the Paz-Q brand. Nunuk admits that the limited equipment is an obstacle in meeting the increasing demand of its consumers.

"Every order I can do myself with the help of my children at home. But for a long time the oven has been damaged, so production in large quantities is not possible," said Nunuk.

As an UMK actor who has permanent consumers, Nunuk admits that he has not optimized digital marketing because there are still concerns in managing orders in large quantities.

"This is the first time I have participated in digital training like this from GIS so I can learn a lot. Alhamdulillah, in addition to adding insight and experience about the maximum use of the marketplace, the most important thing is that the network increases. From those who don't know so they know, so they are able to open the potential for market expansion. Thank you for the training and assistance provided to us, UMK actors," said Nunuk.

SIG Corporate Secretary Vita Mahreyni said, GIS is always committed to supporting the progress of MSMEs in Indonesia to strengthen the regional economy and support the government's efforts to realize Indonesia's 2045 gold. This initiative is the company's step to help MSMEs not only survive, but also grow and compete in increasingly competitive markets.

"MSMEs have an important role in creating jobs and supporting community empowerment. With sustainable assistance, it is hoped that MSMEs can be independent and provide sustainable benefits for the nation, because MSMEs are also the backbone of the country's economy. Therefore, GIS will continue to assist MSMEs so that they can develop and compete, both in the national and global markets," said Vita Mahreyni.

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