Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto revealed that the performance allowance (tukin) of the state civil apparatus (ASN) for its agencies has been approved to increase to 100 percent.

"100 percent (give a thumbs up), it's been (approved by Menpan RB)," he told reporters, Thursday, October 3.

For your information, the decision to increase the ASN Tukin of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy was conveyed after Airlangga met with the Minister for Empowerment of State Civil Apparatus and Bureaucratic Reform, Abdullah Azwar Anas.

On the same occasion, the Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform, Abdullah Azwar Anas conveyed that the indicator of the increase in Tukin based on performance is not a matter of increasing due to several changes in several indicators.

"This is not a matter of increase, but a matter of performance that has been achieved. It has been achieved with several indicators. Because this year we changed it. The indicator is no longer based on administration, but on impact," he said.

Therefore, Anas said that there are ministries of institutions whose Bureaucratic Reform has increased or decreased because there are indicators based on impacts, namely poverty, inflation, and digital systems.

On the other hand, Anas said, related to the indicator of the Ministry of Transportation's Tukin (Kemenhub) has met the requirements for an increase to 100 percent.

"The Ministry of Transportation. It's been (up). Yes, because one of them besides the appropriate numbers, the Ministry of Transportation has simulated the application from more than 300 to 9 applications. It has fulfilled," he said.

Meanwhile, Anas was reluctant to answer regarding the increase in tukin Kementerian Keuangan because there were several different indicators from other Ministries/Institutions.

"I think the ministry of finance has regulatory regulations that have been set regarding the ministry of finance. We are more concerned with performance," he explained.

Previously, Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir said the increase in the performance allowance (tukin) of the state civil apparatus (ASN) of the Ministry of SOEs rose to 100 percent.

He said this increase was the fruit of the hard work of ASN.

Erick reminded the State Civil Servants of the Ministry of SOEs that the increase in Tukin must be grateful. Because, he said, saying success is not the end of struggle.

"The increase in 100 percent of ASN performance allowances at the Ministry of SOEs must be grateful, but this is not the end of the struggle," he said, quoted from Instagram @erickthohir, Thursday, August 22.

Erick said there are still efforts that need to be encouraged so that ASN can enjoy the results given to the state. He also hopes that in the future there will be an improvement in the quality of the talent of the Ministry of SOEs.

"There are still efforts that we continue to encourage so that ASN can enjoy the results they give to the state. It is not yet time to be complacent, we want to continue to give the best for Indonesia," he said.

On this occasion, Erick said that the Ministry of SOEs was one of the ministries that received high scores from the Kemenpan RB.

Even so, Erick assessed that there needs to be an improvement in the quality of human resources in the future.

"One of them is our success in optimizing our Tukin rising. We have got one of the highest ministry scores, but the talents in front, we must improve," he said.

To note in accordance with PMK Number 20 of 2023 concerning Amendments to PMK Number 80/PMK.05/2017 concerning Procedures for Payment of Employee Performance Allowances at the Ministry of State/Institutions, namely:

a. performance allowances are paid on the first day or first working day every month; b. the implementation of the payment of performance allowances as letters a can be excluded by considering the readiness of the calculation procedures and payment of performance allowances in the satker.

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