JAKARTA - The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) through the Directorate General of Pollution and Environmental Damage Control (Ditjen PPKL) supports PT Astra Internasional Tbk's efforts to preserve the environment. One of them is through the Astra Sustainable Forest program in Wanagama Forest, Gunungkidul.

The Director General of PPKL KLHK, Sigit Reliantoro, who was also present at the event, said that the Astra Sustainable Forest program is believed to be able to prevent various environmental problems. Starting from preventing the impact of climate change, pollution, and reducing the loss of biodiversity to drought.

"Through this Astra program, we are rehabilitating the forest again, which used to be land that was not processed properly but could be converted into forests," said Sigit in his statement, Tuesday, September 24.

In the tree planting program in Wanagama, Astra contributed to planting 125,000 tree trunks of various types. The area of land in the Wanagama forest area is used by a cooperation program between Gadjah Mada University and Astra, which reaches 84 hectares.

Astra's Chief of Corporate, Riza Deliansyah, emphasized that tree planting in Wanagama Forest with UGM and KLHK is expected to be able to create natural rain harvests. Because plants are able to absorb water and then store and release slowly as an effort to overcome drought problems.

In addition, his party realizes that industrial progress also has an impact on the environment. As a form of responsibility, Astra has committed to maintaining and preserving the environment.

"We hope that with this activity, we can carry out many areas of replanting. The benefits are not only here, but the benefits can also be felt by farmer groups," said Riza Deliansyah.

According to him, there are four social activities that Astra has carried out by collaborating with various parties. Apart from the environment, his party also supports education, health, and entrepreneurship in a number of parts of Indonesia.

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry together with Astra collaborated with academics and the community through a social forestry area reforestation program at 1,155 Ha in Samosir, Garut, Sukabumi, Cianjur and Banyumas. In addition, since 2012, Astra has also carried out a forest rehabilitation program in Bogor Bersama Perhutani and Gunung Kidul Bersama UGM, with a total area of 300 Ha.

As for the achievement in 2023, Astra through the Green Energy program has saved production costs of up to Rp230 billion. Including being able to save energy up to 2,406 terajule. This step is an effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 30 percent in 2030 according to the Astra 2030 Sustainability Aspiration program.

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