PT Angkasa Pura Indonesia or InJourney Airports ensures airport operations and services to airport service users in general at I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, Bali remain optimal during the implementation of the Bali International Airshow 2024.

For your information, the Bali International Airshow 2024 will be held in the area of the southern apron of Bali's I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport, including at the General Aviation Terminal (GAT). The event will take place from September 18 to September 21.

The implementation on September 18 to 20 is non-public and is intended for exhibition and high-level discussions, while the implementation on September 21 will be opened to the wider community.

InJourney Airports President Director Faik Fahmi stated that InJourney Airports as the manager of Bali's I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport is committed to being able to make this grand event a success.

"And of course at the same time still provide excellent service to all airport service users in general," he said in an official statement, Thursday, September 19.

Faik said it was an honor for InJourney Airports to be one of his airports that was trusted to host the airshow which was last held in Indonesia 28 years ago.

"Of course, we have coordinated with various relevant stakeholders, and have prepared scenarios for adjusting flight operations and services for airport service users," said Faik.

Regarding the regular commercial flight operational arrangements affected by window time or the time of flying display activities, InJourney Airports has coordinated with airlines to make flight schedule adjustments.

On September 18 to 21, 4 sessions of flying display will be held by the aerobatic team every day, with a duration of 20 minutes per session. Socialization to prospective passengers has also been carried out to anticipate changes in flight schedules, as well as mitigating the density of prospective passengers at terminals," he explained.

For the allocation of flight slots, continued Faik, InJourney Airports regulates the time limit for aircraft land or ground time services with the provision that the ground time of medium-body aircraft (narrow body) is a maximum of 45 minutes, and wide-body aircraft (wide body) a maximum of 180 minutes.

"The ground time arrangement based on the Circular Letter of the Director General of Civil Aviation Number SE 04 DJPU 2024 is intended to optimize the operational time of each flight, as well as to anticipate passenger density," he said.

InJourney Airports also coordinates with AirNav Indonesia in regulating flight traffic and using air space, thereby minimizing the impact on regular commercial flights.

"As for land traffic regulation around airports, InJourney Airports has full support from the Bali Regional Police through traffic engineering scenarios to reduce the potential for accumulation of vehicle flows on the access road of Bali's I Gusti Ngurah Rai Airport," he said.

Faik also appealed to prospective airport service users to continue updating information and flight schedules. Also to be present at the airport early to anticipate queues and densities.

"Hopefully all efforts made will be able to contribute to the smooth running of the entire Bali International Airshow 2024 series, so that they can carve gold ink in the history of aviation in Indonesia, as well as encourage the Indonesian aviation industry to continue to grow and go global," he concluded.

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