JAKARTA - The emergence of fish milk innovation has recently become a topic of conversation on social media.
There are those who blaspheme, but there are also those who are actually curious about the taste.
This fish milk will be used as alternative animal milk for the Free Nutrition Food program.
Then, what are the differences and which are the better?
The founder of Protein Protein, Yogie Arie, said that the nutritional nila between fish milk and cow milk cannot be compared because of its different sources.
Not only that, he said, the processing of these two types of milk is also different.
"Indeed, it cannot be compared to apple to apple because each of these sources is different. Second, the processing process is also different," he said in a media briefing at the Office of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, Jakarta, Tuesday, September 17.
Furthermore, Yogie said, these two animal milks have their own shortcomings and strengths.
"There must be advantages, there are shortcomings of each of these," he explained.
He said, one of the differences between the two lies in the content of lactose.
He explained, in fish milk it does not contain lactose. Meanwhile, in cow's milk there is lactose content.
"The only difference is, if the cow's milk is clearly from lactose, yes. Protein lactos, but from this fish milk we are free (free) lactos yes. So the difference is that," he said.
That way, said Yogie, fish milk can be an alternative animal milk for people who are intolerant of lactose. In addition, he said, the amino acid content in fish milk can also accelerate growth in children because the absorption is faster.
The main content (in fish milk) is for the growth hormone. That's more indeed towards growth. In fish milk, the highest amino acid is leucine and lysine. Two amino acids are important for growth," he explained.
"For example, how many levels of protein do we talk about? Well, but it's not necessarily a much higher absorption. So with this hydrolicate technology that breaks the protein into a peptide amino acid, it's a much higher absorption or digestibility like that. So when absorbed by the body faster," he continued.
Fish Milk Can't Replace Cow Milk
Meanwhile, Expert Researcher at the Center for Marine and Land Bioindustry Research BRIN Ekowati Chasanah said that fish milk, which is a derivative of the fish protein hydrolicity (HPI), cannot replace protein from cow milk.
"HPI is not actually meant to replace cow's milk. I'm talking about hydrolisate, which is a raw material called fish milk earlier. It doesn't mean to replace 100 percent. Because it's only a few percent," he explained.
Furthermore, Ekowati explained, fish milk can only be used as an additional alternative that offers nutritional and protein benefits.
"HPI serves as an alternative or addition that offers special nutritional benefits from fish protein," he said.
Ekowati said that HPI is suitable for consumption for people who are currently recovering.
This includes people who are intolerant of lactose.
"So HPI yes, complete. For now, apart from stunting, it is proven that it is also for people who are sick, it is highly recommended because it was absorbed quickly. Then also for those who are intolerant, this is because there is no lactus," he said.
Even so, Ekowati did not deny that the amount of calcium in fish milk is not equivalent to cow's milk.
For fish, he said, it is the best to eat it directly.
However, he continued, improper processing of fish would actually eliminate the nutritional and protein content contained in it.
"Why don't you just eat fish? The problem is, fish are easily damaged compared to other high proteins. Then if the processing is not right, for example fried with high heat, those are some amino acids that we hope to supply what the body needs are damaged. So the processing effect is very important to maintain iron," he explained.
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