JAKARTA - Cloud-based software is increasingly becoming a major part of the digital transformation of companies in Indonesia. Research on Research and Development of Kompas and Mekari, a software-as-a-service (SaaS) company, entitled The Use of Digital Technology in Business Development shows that cloud-based software has had a positive impact on business operations, which will then become a sustainable growth base in the long term.

Research launched at the 2024 Mekari Conference, a leading business and technology conference, noted that 65 percent of large and medium-sized companies in big cities in Indonesia are aware that digital transformation increases business effectiveness and efficiency. In fact, 73 percent of companies that have not utilized cloud-based software plan to adopt it in the next 2 years.

Suwandi Soh, CEO of Mekari, said that high awareness will encourage companies to implement technology in the form of cloud-based software immediately to facilitate business operations and achieve sustainable business growth.

The use of cloud-based software by companies is growing, where research reveals that 55 percent of companies have used the technology for more than 3 years. We also found that the majority, or 52 percent, of respondents have witnessed increased work effectiveness after utilizing cloud-based software. This increased effectiveness will be a sustainable business growth base in the long term," he continued.

The positive impact of cloud-based software will so far convince companies to expand their technology adoption so they can experience more benefits of digital transformation for sustainable business growth.

Christian Marpaung, Periset, Litbang Kompas, said research found that around 85 percent of companies are enthusiastic and ready to face future technological developments.

"This enthusiasm is rooted in the company's belief that digital transformation will help them create and take advantage of business opportunities in the market," he continued.

Companies are also proactive in implementing strategies, including cultivating digital talent and advancing their technology infrastructure, to ensure that future technological implementations run well.

"Based on the survey, companies in Indonesia have started to look to technology related to databases, clouds, blockchains, and artificial intelligence (AI), because they see very promising development potential," he concluded.

Mekari Conference is a conference organized by Mekari to unite experts, business people and professionals to exchange inspiration and views on technological power for business growth. This year, Mekari Conference 2024 has the theme Sustainable Growth Through Limited Digital Innovation was held at ICE BSD on September 10, 2024 and united more than 60 speakers and thousands of visitors to discuss the role of technological innovation for sustainable business growth.

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