JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) received an additional budget of IDR 6.69 trillion for 2025. With this addition, the Ministry of Transportation's budget ceiling for 2025 will be IDR 31.45 trillion.
The addition of the Ministry of Transportation's budget is the result of discussions on ministry/institutional spending with the DPR's Budget Agency (Banggar) and read out in a working meeting between the Ministry of Transportation and Commission V of the DPR RI, at the DPR Building, Jakarta, Wednesday, September 11.
"Commission V of the DPR RI can approve the adjustment of the 2025 RAPBN budget of the Ministry of Transportation in accordance with the results of the discussion on ministry/institutional expenditures in the letter of the DPR RI Budget Agency Number B/11277//AG.05.02/09/2024 dated September 10, 2024 with the addition of a distribution of Rp6,690,185,363,000," said Deputy Chairman of Commission V DPR RI Ridwan Bae, Wednesday, September 11.
Responding to the statement, Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi said the additional budget would be used for operations and non-operations of the Ministry of Transportation.
"We detail that what will be carried out at IDR 6.69 trillion is mainly related to two things, both operational and non-operational," said Budi.
Met after the meeting, Budi said the details of the budget would be discussed at the next meeting, namely on September 18. He also said the meeting would focus on discussing train and aircraft subsidies.
"We will discuss it again in detail, prepare for Wednesday's meeting. Only then do we know how much (budget) is for what. God willing, we are more relieved that the (addiction) budget is more relieved because it is mainly related to subsidies that can be covered," he explained.
As previously reported, the Ministry of Transportation has submitted an additional budget request to the Minister of Finance and Minister of VAT of IDR 7.68 trillion.
Budi said the additional budget was needed. Bearing in mind, the Ministry of Transportation received a budget ceiling for 2025 of IDR 24.76 trillion. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Transportation's budget requirement in 2025 is IDR 80.63 trillion.
Thus, continued Budi, there is a gap or difference of Rp55.87 trillion between budget needs and the 2025 budget ceiling.
"There is a gap of IDR 55.87 trillion so that additional budget support is still needed," he said in an official statement, written Tuesday, September 10.
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