JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) revealed that the value of the loss of lobster clear seed smuggling (BBL) or fry reached more than Rp250 billion.
This figure is an accumulation of smuggling activities carried out from January to September 2024.
Director General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision (PSDKP) KKP Pung Nugroho Saksono said the latest BBL smuggling took place at Sentra Land Housing, Parung Panjang, Bogor Regency, West Java.
The KKP together with the Indonesian Navy managed to thwart the smuggling of 49,701 BBL worth Rp7.4 billion. The fuel is suspected to be smuggled into Vietnam.
The man who is familiarly called Ipunk said that the location was a transit/renewable location and repackaged BBL from the location of the arrest/pulse.
Second, BBL transits at the location. Then BBL is removed from the bag and stored in a basket arranged in a water reservoir. Third, BBL will be repackaged with dry packing and stored in a suitcase.
The fourth or last mode is that the suitcase is carried by a courier to the airport and then the suitcase is carried by plane and smuggled to the destination/state.
"So, there is a pattern that uses air with these suitcases, there are also those who use the sea using speedboats such as the time we made the arrests in Batam," said Ipunk.
The KKP together with the Indonesian Navy have arrested 6 suspected perpetrators and 17 pieces of evidence. The perpetrator is suspected of violating the Fisheries Law with a maximum imprisonment of 8 years and a maximum fine of 1.5 billion.
Secara akumulasi, KKP mencatat kerugian ekonomi penyelundupan BBL sepanjang Januari sampai awal September ini mencapai lebih dari Rp250 miliar.
"The loss of BBL in 2024 from January is IDR 260 billion," said Ipunk at a press conference at the KKP office, Jakarta, Monday, September 9.
On the same occasion, the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy's Koarmada, Didong Rio Duta, said that excessive exploitation of BBL could have an impact on the damage to the ecosystem and threaten the lobster population.
He said that his party had uncovered 14 cases of smuggling BBL throughout 2024.
"We hope that this (disclosure) can have a determinant effect. We carry out joint operations in an integrated manner with ministries/agencies," he said.
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