JAKARTA - Pertamina Patra Niaga adjusted the price of Pertamax on Saturday, August 10, 2024. Pertamina claims, this price is still the most competitive for BBM RON 92 in Indonesia. For the new price, Pertamina priced Pertamax to Rp13,700 per liter.

Pertamina Patra Niaga's Acting Corporate Secretary, Heppy Wulansari, said that the adjustment of Pertamina Patra Niaga's non-subsidized fuel prices refers to the trend in the average price of world oil publications or ICP and the rupiah exchange rate against American dollars.

"The adjustment of non-subsidized fuel prices has been carried out by all business entities since early August 2024," he said in a statement to the media, Saturday, August 10.

Heppy continued, Pertamina's non-subsidized fuel price adjustment policy always takes into account economic stability, so that even though the ICP trend has increased since the end of the first trimester, Pertamina Patra Niaga's non-subsidized fuel price has not changed since March 2024.

The price set is also the most affordable because people's purchasing power is also the main consideration.

"The pricing is in accordance with the regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 245.K/MG.01/MEM.M/2022 as a change to Kepmen No. 62/K/12/MEM/2020 concerning the JBU price formulation or non-subsidized fuel of the ESDM Decree No. 62/K/12/MEM/2020 concerning the general fuel type price formulation (JBU). We ensure that this price remains the most competitive for products with equivalent quality, "concluded Heppy.

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