The Capital Archipelago Authority (OIKN) stated that there are around 60 investors who are in the process of being in the Task Force or the Investment Acceleration Task Force in the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN) with two of them being investors from abroad.

Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) as well as Acting Head of OIKN Basuki Hadimuljono said, of the 220 investors, 45 investors have been groundbreaking.

"Now the rest, this afternoon I will invite again which has been evaluated, which is in the process there are around 60 investors, we will try to accelerate it again," Basuki said quoting Antara.

He revealed that there are two investors from abroad, namely from China and Japan among the 60 investors.

"There are two from abroad, from Japan and the other from China," he said.

The investors from Japan and China will focus on entering the property sector of IKN.

"The focus is on the property sector, so it's not just housing, there are hotels, there are offices," said Basuki.

Basuki conveyed that related to his duties in the Investment Acceleration Task Force at IKN, he only continued.

"So that the Head of the Investment Acceleration Task Force at IKN, namely the Minister of Investment/Head of the Investment Coordinating Board, Mr. Bahlil Lahadalia, helps accelerate it. (Satgas) has been around for a long time, because in the past the IKN Authority asked for a task force, which is the task force for accelerating investment in IKN," he said.

Based on the Decree of the President of the Republic of Indonesia (Keppres (Number 25 of 2024), in the context of accelerating preparation, development, relocation, and development of the capital city of the archipelago as the center of government and central development of the Indonesian economy, the centrist is in accordance with the needs of business actors in obtaining business licensing, ease of doing business, and investment facilities that are cross-sectoral and authority, formed by the Investment Acceleration Task Force in the capital city of the archipelago, which is then called the Task Force.

The Task Force for the Acceleration of Investment in IKN is under and responsible to the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

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