JAKARTA - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan alias Zulhas said investigations related to ceramic imports carried out by the Indonesian Anti-damping Committee (KADI) had been completed.

He said that later there would be an anti-damping Import (BMAD) determination of up to 50 percent.

The man who is familiarly called Zulhas said the results of the investigation were being studied by his party.

After being studied, he said, he would provide a letter of recommendation to the Ministry of Finance so that this regulation can be implemented immediately.

"I will send the results (reviu and recommendation letter from the Ministry of Trade) to the Ministry of Finance so that they enter (can immediately be inaugurated) Anti-Dumping is approximately 40 to 50 percent imposed," he said at the Customs Hoarding Site (TPP) Cikarang, West Java, Tuesday, August 6.

Zulhas said the Indonesian Trade Security Committee (KPPI) had also completed an investigation related to ceramic imports.

Furthermore, Zulhas said, the results of the investigation had already been applied as a Safeguard Measure Import (BMTP) or safeguard of 13 percent.

"There is also a duty to enter security measures (BMTP) that has already been written, and the Ministry of Finance has applied, that's 13 percent," he explained.

Zulhas said that there were seven commodities that received import investigations, namely textiles and textile products (TPT), finished clothes, ceramics, electronic devices, cosmetics, finished textiles and footwear.

"But what was finished yesterday was ceramics. The ceramics have been completed, others are still being calculated," he said.

For your information, the Ministry of Trade in an effort to protect and save domestic industries is carried out through the imposition of BMAD and BMTP.

BMAD and BMTP are regulated in Regulation Number 34 of 2011 concerning Anti-damping Actions, Rewards and Trade Security Measures.

The difference between anti dumping action and trade security measures lies in the subject of imposition. In wearing the two instruments, there are a number of acts that must be met. One of them is that the domestic industry experiences losses or threats of loss.

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