JAKARTA - PT Kawasan Industri Terpadu Batang (KITB) has again shown its commitment to creating an industry ecosystem that is superior and sustainable. In order to improve the quality of the workforce for tenants, KITB organizes a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) entitled "Preparation of Quality Workers for Tenants".

This event involved close cooperation with the Ministry of Manpower (Kemenaker), the Directorate General of Vocational Education, the Central Java Vocational and Productivity Training Center (BBPVP), and the Batang Regency Manpower Office, as well as all KITB tenants.

The FGD event took place at the Ballroom of the KITB Management Building and was attended by stakeholders from various sectors. The main focus of the discussion is the preparation of competent and ready-to-compete workers in the industry.

Spokesperson from the Ministry of Manpower, Director General of Vocational Education, Central Java BBPV, and Batang Manpower Office conveyed various views and strategies in developing quality human resources that are in accordance with current industrial needs. This FGD aims to synergize the needs of industrial workers by providing education and vocational training.

The participants discussed the competencies needed by the industry at KITB, the relevant vocational education curriculum, and efforts to improve the quality of local workers.

PT KITB's Director of Institution & Public Relations, M. Fakhrur Rozi, in his speech stated that his party believed that the success of industrial estates was very dependent on the quality of the workforce.

"Through this FGD, we are trying to create synergies between the industrial world and the world of education, as well as the government, to jointly produce superior workers and ready to face global challenges," he said in a written statement, Wednesday, July 31.

The representative of the Ministry of Manpower, Caswiyono Rusydie C, added that his party strongly supports this initiative. According to him, it is very important between industry and vocational education to ensure that the resulting graduates have relevant skills that can be directly applied in the workplace.

During the discussion, KITB tenants had the opportunity to share their experiences and needs related to the workforce. This is a valuable input for the development of education and training programs that are more focused and in accordance with the needs of the labor market.

This event ended with an interactive question and answer session, where the participants actively asked questions and discussed with the speakers. A joint agreement was reached to continue to hold similar activities regularly, in order to ensure the continuity of quality human resource development.

With the implementation of this FGD, KITB hopes to continue to play an active role in creating a competitive, innovative, and sustainable industrial ecosystem. In the future, KITB is committed to continuing to improve cooperation with various parties for the realization of reliable and ready-to-competitive workers in the global arena.

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