JAKARTA - PT Kilang Pertamina Internasional (KPI) confirmed that it will continue to complete the Cilacap Green Refinery.

Just so you know, this project is a National Strategic Project (PSN) with a target capacity of up to 6,000 barrels of Biofuel products.

"This project is one of the flagship programs in transitional energy, in order to realize the government's target for the 23 percent New Renewable Energy mix (EBT) by 2025," said KPI Corporate Secretary, Hermansyah Y Nasroen, quoted Thursday, July 11.

He explained that the Cilacap Green Refinery can answer the challenges of products that are more environmentally friendly, because this refinery can produce Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), or fuel with plant-based components.

In addition, it also produces bionafta and bioavtur/Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) products made from palm oil (which have gone through the Refined, Bleached, and Deodorized process) which is processed in conjunction with fossil avtur through the co-processing method.

"With the ability to process plant energy sources, this Cilacap Refinery project can provide added value to the nation. This is further strengthened by the experience and expertise of KPI in the refinery business, in line with its role as the parent company of Pertamina's refinery and petrochemicals," said Hermansyah.

The Cilacap Refinery itself is an example of an integrated refinery that is in line with the energy transition.

This project is targeted to increase production capacity from 3,000 barrels per day to 6,000 barrels of HVO, SAF, and Bionafta products originating from Used Cooking Oil (UCO).

This new unit from the Cilacap Green Refinery will also be equipped with infrastructure including Palm Oil Treater, Faractionator, and Offsite facilities.

Pertamina's Vice President of Corporate Communication Fadjar Djoko Santoso added that the Cilacap Green Refinery has a big role in the transitional energy in Indonesia in line with the environmentally friendly products it will produce.

"This green refinery project will have a positive impact in supporting the Government's energy mix program, as well as achieving emission reductions to Net Zero Emission," explained Fadjar.

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