Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita revealed that there was a burden on industry players due to the onslaught of imported goods. He also admitted that he had met President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to provide protection measures.

The protection in question is the application of Safeguard Measure Import Duty (BMTP) and Anti-Dumping Import Duty (BMAD). This follows the impact of the implementation of the Minister of Trade Regulation (Permendag) Number 8 of 2024 which is considered detrimental to industry players.

"We see that the impact of Permendag 8/2024 is quite deep, there are many industrial closures and many layoffs," Agus said in his remarks at the Socialization of Government Regulation Number 20 of 2024 concerning Industrial Territory at the Ministry of Industry office which was monitored online, Tuesday, July 9.

Agus said President Jokowi had directly chaired a limited meeting (Rapat) in response to the issue. As a result, BMTP and BMAD will soon be issued to protect local products.

"Alhamdulillah, at the Ratas we fought for and it was approved by the president to determine BMTP and BMAD. Of course, in order for us to protect the domestic industry," he said.

He said that the two import duties were not the main regulations. The reason is, there has been an extension of the BMTP and BMAD for fabric and ceramic products. But on the other hand, there are other products that need to be regulated.

"It takes time and we don't have enough time. We only have a narrow time to deal with the onslaught of goods from certain countries whose prices are much cheaper," said Agus.

According to Agus, another step that can be taken is that the import rules are returned to Permendag 36/2023. He considered that the regulation was the most ideal to protect the domestic industry.

"In the meeting, we also proposed to the president to return to Permendag 36 and the president said to be reviewed immediately and it means that the president was given the green light. For what reason? Because in our view Permendag 36 is the most ideal," he said.

"There is nothing in this world that is perfect. However, at least Permendag 36 is the most ideal because in it there is a technical regulation (Pertek) that regulates the traffic of imported goods entering Indonesia in order to protect the domestic industry," he added.

Previously, the Ministry of Industry noted that 11,000 workers were affected by layoffs (PHK) in the textile industry. This figure occurs in the scope of large-scale companies.

Acting (Plt) Director General of Chemical, Pharmaceutical and Textile Industries (IKFT) of the Ministry of Industry, Reni Yanita, said that the amount of layoffs occurred after the issuance of Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) Number 8 of 2024. Through this regulation, there are several textile and textile (TPT) categories that enter Indonesia easily.

"Currently, there are six lists of companies that are closed with a total of 11,000 people affected in line with the implementation of Permendag 8/2024," said Reni in a media discussion on Permendag Number 8 of 2024, the Real Form of National Petrochemical Industry Denormalization at the Ministry of Industry office, Jakarta, Monday, July 8.

He said that in numbers it did not touch 20,000 people who were laid off. However, the number reaches 11,000 workers from several large companies.

"For large industries, there are indeed several layoffs carried out, although if it is calculated it is not more than 20,000, yes. Only 11,000," he said.

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