JAKARTA - Inke Maris & Associates (IM&A) Strategic Communications won the award as the Most Influential PR Company in Indonesia at the 2024 MAW Talk Awards. This award is an acknowledgment of IM&A's commitment to providing quality strategic communication services for clients and has an impact on both clients and the community.

Isma Natanegara, CEO of Inke Maris & Associates, expressed pride for this achievement.

This award is the result of the hard work and dedication of the entire IM&A team in providing professional strategic communication services for our clients. Where the key to Inke Maris & Associates' success lies in its commitment to always provide a creative communication strategy to ground and excellent implementation so that it has the impact and added value of clients and the community," explained Isma.

Asmono Wikan, as the founder & Chairman of MAW Talk, in his speech said that IM&A was chosen as the winner after going through a rigorous selection process.

"Based on the IM&A assessment criteria, it consistently shows a tremendous positive influence on Indonesia's development and makes a significant contribution to the progress of the PR industry in Indonesia," said Asmono.

Furthermore, Asmono explained that the definition of the most influential PR company is a company that consistently provides high-quality strategic communication services and has a significant impact on clients and the PR industry as a whole.

"This company has a good reputation, a professional and experienced team, as well as a creative and innovative communication strategy. This company also contributes actively in advancing the PR industry in Indonesia, and IM&A meets these criteria," he explained.

MAW Talk is a digital-based media that discusses issues related to Public Relations, media, and leadership. The MAW Talk Awards were held with the aim of appreciating the progress of leaders and institutions in the fields of PR, media and leadership which are seen as innovating, influential and integrated in their respective ecosystems.

Now, the MAW Talk presents the 4th MAW Talk Awards (MTA) 2024 which carries the theme Relevant Leadership for Indonesia's Future.

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