JAKARTA - The People's Housing Savings Management Agency (BP Tapera) said that the funds from the Tapera management are planned to be invested in the form of state securities (SBN).

BP Tapera Commissioner Heru Pudyo Nugroho said the majority of 90 percent of funds in Tapera would be included in Government Securities (SBN).

Meanwhile, the remaining funds in Tapera will be included in corporate bonds and reserve funds.

"Currently, mostly it goes to SBN, not 100 percent goes there, the SBN is around 90 percent and a little goes to corporate and the rest is reserve funds," he explained to VOI, Friday, June 14.

According to Heru, diversification is carried out to make it easier if there are participants who retire in the near future so that they can be disbursed in the near future.

"It will be returned to the participants because we have to look at the membership profile if in the next 1 year we will retire, we will immediately put it in the deposit so that when the participants retire it will be easier to disburse," he said.

Heru said that in making investments, he had appointed 7 investment managers (MI) who would manage the allocation of rupification funds, and supervision would also be carried out by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).

"Then it has been closely selected by referring to OJK regulations from professionals and currently there are 7 Investment Managers that have been in Hire," he explained.

Heru said that as many as seven MIs, namely 4 came from Himbara Bank which consisted of banks under the Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) namely PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk or Bank Mandiri, PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or Bank BRI, PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk or Bank BNI, and PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk or Bank BTN. As well as PT Schroder Investment Management Indonesia and others, for investment management.

"Mostly 4 from the investment manager bank from BRI, Mandiri, BTN and BNI, as well as PT Schroder Indonesia and others," he said.

According to Heru, BP Tapera has measurable risks in investment policies. Thus, the stock portfolio in the investment will be very small.

Investment instruments are low-risk, such as money markets, bonds, housing securities, and other safe and profitable investments.

Heru conveyed that in accordance with the provisions of Law Number 4 of 2016 with the Tapera business model, the funds were allocated to 3 (three) types of allocations. First, Reserve funds are around 3 percent-5 percent, this allocation is intended for the provision of payment liquidity for participants whose membership period will end (returning participant savings).

Reserve funds can only be placed in the form of deposits.

Second, the Hijacking or Investment Fund is 45 percent to 49 percent. This allocation is intended to increase the returns of participants. This buildup fund is placed on an investment product called the Collective Investment Contract for the Wages of Tapera Funds managed by the Investment Manager appointed by BP Tapera.

Furthermore, thirdly, the housing utilization or financing fund is around 48 percent to 50 percent.

This allocation is intended for housing financing funds for Tapera participants through financial institutions.

This allocation policy is dynamic in accordance with the generating profile of participant funds and sustainable financing sustainability.

"In Law 4 2016, it has been regulated in such a way, 3 BP Tapera businesses from handover, fertilization to utilization, after raising funds, participants will immediately open individual accounts and there is an application Tapera Mobile where participants can see in real time, monitor the number of deposits to rupification," he said.

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