JAKARTA - Commission VI of the DPR will summon the directors of PT Bank Syariah Indonesia Tbk or BSI. This summons is to explore the news that PP Muhammadiyah withdrew its savings funds from the largest Islamic bank.

For your information, the amount of savings that PP Muhammadiyah plans to withdraw is quite large, even reaching Rp. 13 trillion to Rp. 15 trillion.

"We want to schedule a meeting with BSI. It is already on the agenda, maybe next week," said Deputy Chairman of Commission VI of the DPR, Martin Manurung to VOI when met at the DPR Building, Parliament Complex, Thursday, June 13.

Martin said that although BSI is the largest Islamic bank, the withdrawal of tens of trillions of funds by PP Muhammadiyah needs to be known.

Even though BSI Bank Syariah is the largest, if Muhammadiyah withdraws the funds, what is the reason why they (BSI) must be investigated. We also don't know. Later at the meeting we will explore with BSI," he explained.

Meanwhile, member of Commission VI of the DPR from the PDIP faction, Deddy Yevri Sitorus, assessed that withdrawing tens of trillions of savings was not something that usually happens. Therefore, he said the cause should be known.

"It's not normal, it means there is a problem. It's not uncommon for customers to withdraw funds, it affects the equity of the bank itself," said Deddy.

"The problem is the question is what is wrong, that's why we want to meet BSI. If it's reported, there is an agreement that is not made by BSI," he continued.

As is known, for your information, the news of the withdrawal of funds began when the Muhammadiyah PP letter circulated on social media. Through Memo Muhammadiyah numbered 320/1.0/A/2024 which was issued on May 30, Muhammadiyah instructed to transfer funds from BSI to a number of Islamic banks.

The memo was signed by the Chairman of Muhmadiyah Agung Danarto and the Secretary of Muhammadiyah Muhammad Sayuti as a follow-up to a meeting with the leaders of PP Muhammadiyah and Muhammadiyah Business Amal regarding AUM's financial consolidation in Yogyakarta on May 26.

BSI management has also previously opened its voice regarding the news. BSI Corporate Secretary Wisnu Sunandar said that his party is committed to always serving and developing the people's economy, including through collaborative efforts with strategic partners and all stakeholders.

In particular, continued Wisnu, in an effort to develop micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs).

"We are trying to become a modern and inclusive bank in providing services to the entire community, while still upholding sharia principles," said Wisnu in his statement, Wednesday, June 5.

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