Secretary of the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (KemenPAN-RB) Rini Widyantini said the Ministry of PAN-RB indicative ceiling for the 2025 fiscal year (TA) amounted to Rp359.9 billion.

This was conveyed by Rini Widyantini in a Working Meeting (Raker) with Commission II of the DPR RI in Jakarta, Wednesday, June 12.

"Based on the Joint Letter of the Minister of Finance and the Minister of National Development Planning/Bappenas, KemenPAN-RB received an indicative ceiling for the 2025 fiscal year of Rp359.9 billion," said Rini.

"The allocation for policy programs, professional coaching and ASN governance or technical programs is IDR 108.8 billion and the management support program is IDR 251.8 billion," he continued.

When compared to the budget allocation since 2022, Rini said that the KemenPAN-RB budget has increased significantly due to an additional budget.

However, in 2025 the technical program decreased by 38.02 percent. Meanwhile, for management support, it increased by 24.08 percent.

"In total, the Ministry of PAN-RB indicative ceiling in 2025 decreased by 4.78 percent," he said.

Later, said Rini, the indicative ceiling will be allocated to each work unit. "By considering the urgency of the strategy and contribution of each work unit to support the performance of the ministry," he added.

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