JAKARTA - Member of Commission VII DPR RI, PKS faction Mulyanto does not agree with the Government's intention to distribute Mining Business Permits (IUP) for religious organizations, let alone given priority without auctions. According to him, this practice clearly violates the Minerba Law.

He considered that instead of sharing mining permits (business sharing), it would make more sense and be realistic if the government was sufficient to share profits (profit sharing) for mass organizations.

"Membentuk badan usaha milik ormas, memberikan prioritas IUPK, lalu mencari kontraktor untuk perusahaan tambang bagi ormas adalah intervensi yang terlalu jauh, melakukan diri dan dengan risiko yang tinggi. Kita khawatir ini bisa jadi 'jebakan Batman' bagi ormas," kata Mulyanto yang dikutip Selasa 11 Juni.

Mulyanto added that if the government wants to help mass organizations, it is better by dividing the profit of mining entrepreneurship to mass organizations. Instead of sharing the responsibilities for mining entrepreneurs, especially by forming a "prototy" business entity, such as a business entity belonging to a mass organization.

"This is too forced," added Mulyanto.

Mulyanto added, actually mining entrepreneurship is very heavy and full of risks, both to state finances, society and the environment. Therefore mining entrepreneurship requires specialization and professionalism.

"There have been many mining cases that have harmed the community and their environment, not to mention the case of thousands of mining permits that "sleep" is not being worked on," said Mulyanto.

Mulyanto said that he did not want mass organizations to be affected by the SDA curse. Instead of profit, what exists is the end and the trouble of the people.

He explained that the distribution of mining entrepreneurship benefits to mass organizations could be in the form of permanent and regular corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs. Or it can also be in the form of providing participaling interest (PI) as received by local governments where there is mining in their area.

"This is more logical and realistic and does not violate the law. We can gain from profit sharing experiences so far and of course it can be evaluated and perfected," concluded Mulyanto.

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