JAKARTA - General Chairperson of the Communion of Churches in Indonesia (PGI) Gomar Gultom has opened his voice about government policies that will provide religious organizations with the opportunity to manage Mining Business Permits (WIUP).

Gomar said that his party appreciated the steps taken by President Jokowi and considered two things from the President, namely showing the President's commitment to involve as many elements of society as possible to participate in managing the country's wealth.

"And second, showing the President's appreciation to religious organizations that have contributed from the start to developing this country," he said in a statement to the media, Monday, June 3.

Gomar said that giving this IUP was actually easy to implement considering that religious organizations may have limitations in this regard. Moreover, he said, the mining world is very complex, and has very broad implications.

"However, considering that every religious mass organization also has an internal mechanism that can capitalize on its human resources, of course religious organizations, if they are trusted, will be able to manage it optimally and professionally," continued Gomar.

Regarding the provision of this IUP, Gomar said, what needs to be maintained is so that religious organizations will not put aside their main duties and functions, namely fostering people.

"Also keeping the religious organizations from being co-opted by market mechanisms. And most importantly, don't let religious organizations be held hostage in such a way because they lose their critical power and professive votes," explained Gomar.

He also assessed that the involvement of religious organizations in mining is well managed so that it can be a breakthrough and a good example in the future in environmentally friendly mining management.

Just so you know, President Joko Widodo officially signed a Government Regulation that allows religious community organizations (ormas) to manage the Special Mining Business Permit Area (WIUPK).

This provision is stated in PP number 25 of 2024 regarding amendments to Government Regulation (PP) Number 96 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of Mineral and Coal Mining Business Activities which were signed on May 30.

The rules related to the management of WIUPK by mass organizations are listed in Article 83A which states, (1) in order to improve community welfare, WIUPK can be made a priority offer to Business Entities owned by religious community organizations.

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