JAKARTA - The Management of the Environmental Engineering Alumni Association of the Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (IKATL ITS) held a discussion themed 'Cangkrukan Bareng' with the candidates for chairman of the ITS Alumni Association (IKA ITS) for the period 2024-2028.

There are seven candidates who have met the requirements and will compete to replace IKA IKA ITS Chairman Sutopo Kristanto. These general chairman candidates come from various professional backgrounds. Starting from the director of SOEs to entrepreneurs.

The participants in Bengkrukan, discussed in a family atmosphere while digging up ideas from each candidate for chairman. Starting from environmental issues to efforts to strengthen relations between alumni in the future.

Deputy Chairperson of IKATL ITS Darmawan Pramana, appreciated the presence of each discussion participant. Admittedly in this discussion, many interesting things result from the thoughts of the IKA ITS general chairman candidates.

He hopes that in the future the elected IKA ITS chairman will have a concern for alumni. Including related to environmental sustainability issues, such as the spirit embedded in each ITS environmental engineering alumni.

"At the end of the discussion, we provide plants where it becomes a symbol that we support all candidates for IKA ITS general chairman. With that, we hope that whoever is elected will have a concern for environmental sustainability issues," Darmawan said in Jakarta on Saturday, June 1.

Another IKATL ITS management, Danar Surya Wiranegara, expressed an invitation for all ITS alumni to participate directly in the selection of the IKA ITS General Chair. In this way, his party believes that in the future it will be able to increase the competitiveness of ITS alumni.

"We invite as many members of ITS alumni as possible to participate in the election. Then being involved in alumni bond activities will be more visible that IKA ITS has a real contribution in every situation that occurs on a national and local scale," Danar explained.

It is known that the candidates will begin to carry out a series of scheduled campaign activities, including the debate and presentation of the vision and mission. The peak of the series of elections is the vote that will be held at the IKA ITS 9-10 Congress arena August 2024.

All IKA IS candidates are known to have a proud background. Starting from national private entrepreneurs, engineers in oil companies, and also directors of state-owned companies. The seven candidates for general chairman of IKA ITS are as follows:

1. Ir Boy Robyanto, ST MT, ITS class 1991 - Investment Director of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero)

2. Dr. Faizal R Djoemadi, M.Sc, ITS class 1986 - President Director of PT POS Indonesia

3. Jogyo Susilo, ST, ITS class 1988 Entrepreneurs/Chairman of the ITS Alumni Entrepreneurs Association

4. Dr. Ir Muhammad Fauzan ST, MM, IPU, OKE, CRE, ITS class 1993 - Director of Human Capital & Legal PT Hutama Karya (Persero)

5. Munadi Herlambang, ST, MA, ITS class 1997 - Director of Institutional PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), Tbk

6. Pradipa Dinar Mukti, ST, ITS class 2008 - Engineer, PT Pertamina

7. Ir Wiluyo Kusdwiharto, ST, MBA, IPU, ASEAN Eng, ITS class 1989 - New Renewable Project and Energy Management Director of PT PLN (Persero)

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