JAKART - PT Perikanan Indonesia, a member of Holding ID FOOD managed to boost the export of octopus commodities to a new export destination country, namely Vietnam.

This export is the first carried out by PT Perikanan Indonesia to the Land of the Blue Dragon.

Previously, companies usually only routinely supply fishery products to Japan, the United States, South Korea, Thailand, China, Filiphina and Singapore.

President Director of PT Perikanan Indonesia Sigit Muhartono said the company continues to show its commitment to supporting the government's agenda to increase exports of fishery products and always support fishing inclusiveness.

"PT Perikanan Indonesia is ready to become a Key Player for the fishing business between Indonesia and Vietnam in exploring new market niches through the export of this first octopus," he said in an official statement, Friday, May 31.

Apart from Vietnam, continued Sigit, PT Perikanan Indonesia also supplied octopuses to Japan from January to May 2024. The octopus exported to Vietnam and Japan was 75.3 tons.

"This octopus commodity is the superior product of PT Perikanan Indonesia which has passed the best feasibility study," added Sigit.

Furthermore, Sigit said that the octopus of the Octopus Cyanea Gray type exported to Vietnam and Japan was the result of production in the Simeulue branch, Aceh.

The Simeulue branch is a regular supplier of octopuses to Sakura Country since 2021. Meanwhile, it will enter the Vietnamese market in 2024.

PT Perikanan Indonesia absorbs octopuses caught by local fishermen Simeulue to be produced into ready-to-export commodities.

Fishermen's partners of PT Perikanan Indonesia in Simeulue apply One Day Fishing. This means that fishermen who depart in the morning will bring the catch of Octopus in the afternoon, so that it affects the quality of the octopus.

In addition to Octopus exports, PT Perikanan Indonesia also exports Tuna Loin commodities to Singapore. Tuna Loin products are produced by PT PT Perikanan Indonesia Bitung Branch, North Sulawesi. This export was carried out to supply food companies from Singapore, namely Kida Food Trading.

Meanwhile, Loin Tuna is a tuna that has gone through the process of freezing, washing, cutting the head, cutting up and disposal of the skin and head.

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