JAKARTA - Presidential Chief of Staff (KSP) Moeldoko warned the Public Housing Savings Committee (Tapera) to manage the Tapera program savings funds well, be accountable and transparent.

This must be done so that Asabri's bad experience does not happen again.

The Tapera Committee is chaired by the Minister of PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono and consists of Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati, Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziyah, as well as representatives of OJK and professionals.

"I want to convey this to my friends so that it doesn't happen like Asabri," he said at a press conference at the Presidential Staff Office, Jakarta, Friday, May 31.

Moeldoko said that when he served as TNI Commander, he could not access Asabri. Including placing people there to find out the management of the money of the soldiers.

"This is my soldier's money, do I not know. How is this? Imagine that, the TNI commander has 500,000 soldiers, he can't touch Asabri. Finally, it happened like yesterday, we don't understand," he said.

Therefore, Moeldoko emphasized the importance of building a supervisory system in the management of Tapera so that the participants' savings funds are well managed.

Moeldoko also believes that with the Tapera committee, the fund management will be better, more transparent and accountable. Moreover, the supervision involved the OJK.

"By forming this committee, I am sure that its management will be transparent, accountable cannot be various things because all forms of investment that are carried out will definitely be controlled properly, minimum by the committee and in general by the OJK," he said.

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