JAKARTA - Yasmine Ow revealed the reason she finally convinced to divorce her husband, Aditya Zoni because previously she had been rejected twice. This, according to Yasmine Ow, is no longer possible and chooses to separate.

"There are a lot of reasons for divorce, I can't (tell you), I've been rejected so I can't be together anymore. Twice, the divorce twice," said Yasmine Ow at the Cibinong Religious Court, West Java, Tuesday, July 2.

On the other hand, Aditya Zoni tried to explain the reason he refused Yasmine Ow. He said that at that time his life condition was not doing well because of his father's departure.

"My situation at that time was not okay. Because it was just right when my father died, I was out of order, Yasmine was in Malaysia," explained Aditya Zoni.

Therefore Aditya thought that at this moment Yasmine felt neglected by him because he was still in a slump with his condition at that time.

"His name is still young maybe Yasmine is not satisfied with what I do all kinds of things, maybe he said I didn't understand but here at that time I was really down because I just lost someone who was the most valuable in my life like that," added Aditya Zoni.

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