Director of Operations of PT Kayan Hydro Energy (KHE) Sapta Nugraha said that many parties were interested in partnering in the Kayan Cascade Hydroelectric Power Plant (PLTA) project in Bulungan, North Kalimantan (Kaltara).

"Currently, KHE is still working on everything itself. The partnership option is open, many parties are in process with us. Yes, it is still ongoing," said Sapta when met by VOI in the Kayan Cascade hydropower area, Thursday, May 30.

Sapta assessed that partnerships in the future are needed so that they can share knowledge, experience and technology.

"So that it reduces the level of risk, that's all, and that's natural in terms of business and business," he said.

However, he did not deny that if in the near future there is no targeted partnership, his party has prepared a scenario to remain capable independently.

"Because from the start we also started ourselves. In the planning there are those who are interested, right, because after this (PLTA Kayan) it is known by many parties," he said.

"More people who offer to come, let me look, can I see? Instead of us traveling, it's not. We don't go around, it's true. In fact, people are interested, because they see this great potential," he continued.

According to Sapta, the Kayan hydropower project is indeed in demand by many parties because it will produce new and renewable energy (EBT).

"So, the profile project itself is very strategic, very contemporary and it's future energy that everyone, all countries are very interested in. So, it's also very surprising if for example there are parties who are not interested, it's anti-mainstream," he added.

When asked further about which party will partner in the near future, Sapta was reluctant to mention it openly.

According to him, KHE is open to collaborating with anyone.

"Currently, frankly, it's still very open, yes," he added.

PLTA Kayan Cascade will utilize areas along the Kayan River water flow in Peso District, Bulungan Regency, North Kalimantan (Kaltara). Consisting of five dams with 5 to 6 generating turbine units in each dam.

Later, this hydropower plant will produce clean electricity with a total of 9,000 Megawatts (MW).

The plan is that this project will attract investment of up to 17.8 billion US dollars or around Rp277.2 trillion.

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