BOGOR - PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia (PII) reported that until March 2024 it had provided guarantees to 52 infrastructure projects, with a total investment value of IDR 503 trillion.

Business Director of PT PII Andre Permana said that the project consisted of a government cooperation project with business entities (PPP), an infrastructure project for State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) in the context of National Economic Recovery (PEN).

"We have guaranteed 52 SOE projects. The total investment value is IDR 503 trillion," Andre said in a media briefing from the Ministry of Finance, Wednesday, May 29.

Andre said of the 52 projects, 34 KPBU projects, and 20 projects have been operating. With the investment value of the KPBU project of around Rp. 301 trillion.

"Of the total 52 guarantees, 34 of them are KPBU projects worth around Rp. 301 trillion," he said.

The KPBU projects guaranteed by PT PII are, Jalintim Riau amounting to Rp500 billion, Spam Pekanbaru Riau worth Rp500 billion, Spam Bandar Lampung Rp800 billion, Patimban access toll road worth Rp5 trillion, West Palapa Ring Package of Rp1.2 trillion, South Sumatra East Java worth Rp1 trillion.

Furthermore, the PG Bekasi project worth IDR 2 trillion, the Serang Panmbang Toll Road IDR 8.6 trillion, the Jatiluhur Regional Spam worth IDR 1.7 trillion, the South Japek II Toll Road IDR 14.7 trillion, the Batang Toll Road worth IDR 67 trillion, the Solo Yogya Toll Road Madiun Regency amounting to IDR 101 billion, to the Manado Bitung Toll Road worth IDR 4.9 trillion.

Meanwhile, several non-PPP projects include Perum Damri's investment working capital credit of IDR 97 billion, Waskita Karya's III bonds of IDR 8.1 trillion, KCJB's cost overrun loan of IDR 8.41 trillion, and Mandalika SEZ worth IDR 3.7 trillion.

"This (guarantee project) is spread across Indonesia in various sectors. And later there will be several sectors related to green or taking part in dealing with climate change," he explained.

Andre said that a number of economic impacts of infrastructure projects were guaranteed.

For the road sector, there are 16 toll roads along 991 km, the preservation of 9 sections of the National Road along 72.87 km and the replacement of 37 bridges on the island of Java.

The added value of the economy for toll roads is IDR 319 trillion, while non-toll roads are worth IDR 2.6 trillion.

Furthermore, the added value of the economy for the telecommunications sector is IDR 28 trillion, consisting of the Palapa Ring project: 8,479 km of cross-island optical cable, a multifunctional satellite that connects 149,400 offline service points in Indonesia including the 3T area.

Meanwhile, the added value of the economy for the drinking water sector is Rp. 19 trillion, consisting of 6 SPAM projects, namely Umbulan, Lampung, West Semarang, Jatiluhur, Pekanbaru, and Karian Serpong.

The total production discharge is 15,450 liters/second, which serves approximately 5.9 million people with approximately 1.18 million connections.

Meanwhile, the economic added value transportation sector is IDR 48 trillion. Consisting of the Makassar-Parepare KA project with a 12-km route. And the Bekasi Proving Ground project is like a vehicle type test facility.

Then in the energy conservation sector, there are APJ projects in Madiun Regency and West Lombok Regency APJ which serve 7,459 points in Madiun Regency and 12,915 points in West Lombok Regency with energy-efficient and environmentally friendly technology.

The special economic zone sector, namely the development of the Mandalika Special Economic Zone (KEK) with an added value of IDR 8 trillion.

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