JAKARTA - The Bogor-Ciawi-Sukabumi or Bocimi Toll Road to the exit of the Parungkuda Toll Gate (GT), Sukabumi Regency, which landslides are known to have not been inaugurated by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) for not even one year, namely on August 4, 2023.

Then, it sparked questions from netizens about the cause of the landslide of the toll road, as quoted from the account X @wkunniawan ***: I had expected this and it would be a landslide. Because most of the Bocimi Toll Roads are mountain slopes and split hills. Of course, the Ministry of PUPR must be responsible, especially divisions related to feasibility studies and AMDAL.

Citing the road drainage maintenance module of the Ministry of PUPR, Thursday, April 4, various things can cause the failure of culverts, first due to design errors, placement errors and construction errors, which are explained as follows:

1. Placement of inaccurate and safe depth on the surface of the road, so that it is damaged or damaged due to traffic load.

2. Types of materials used for the construction of culverts do not meet the requirements to be able to withstand the traffic load. If not strong, the culverts will break and the road surface will collapse. Thus, water does not flow through the culverts and this reduces the function of the road's transverse slope as road surface drainage.

3. Determination of the dimension of the culvert does not match the predetermined design criteria, so it is possible that the discharge that enters the culvert exceeds the capacity of the culvert. This can cause inundation on the surface of the road and culverts to be damaged.

4. Determination of the location of culverts does not pay attention to the flow from the surrounding area or natural flow, including the determination of the location of inlets and culvert outlets. Thus, this can cause inundation on the surface of roads and culverts to be damaged.

5. The slopes of the culverts do not match the predetermined design criteria, which is the best slope between 0.5 percent to 2 percent and depending on the location.

6. The placement of culverts does not see conditions in the field. Meanwhile, culverts that function also for subsurface drainage of roads and / or including environmental drainage, the placement depends on the conditions of the trade.

Displacement errors and the design of culverts can be identified from the occurrence of puddles or flooding in the neighborhood around the road, including the road which resulted in damage to road construction.

Finally, after a transverse slope, side ditches and culverts are the drainage of the catch drains that are not functioning properly. The failure of the catchment channel is caused by the erosion of cliffs above the channel, causing congestion.

This causes the overflow of water from the canal through the cliffs below which will then enter the side ditch. The overflow from the catchment channel will cause erosion and cause damage to the cliff soil both above and below.

Based on an official statement received by VOI, PT Waskita Toll Road (WTR) said that the landslide that occurred on the Bogor-Ciawi-Sukabumi (Bocimi) Toll Road KM 64, Ciambar District, Sukabumi Regency, West Java, was caused by a splash of water during heavy rains on Wednesday night, April 3.

"It is suspected that the landslide occurred due to splashes of water due to heavy rainfall around the location," said PT Waskita Toll Road Corporate Secretary Alex Siwu, quoted Thursday, April 4.

According to Alex, the areas affected by the landslide disaster are lane I of the main road of the Bocimi Toll Road. As a result, there was a car unit containing two passengers mired into the landslide road area.

Anticipate the occurrence of unwanted things, access to the direction from Parungkuda to Ciawi is temporarily closed to avoid potential or aftershocks. Therefore, his party asked motorists to understand this rule for safety.

"Vehicles from Ciawi to Parungkuda were diverted out in Cigombong. Access from Parungkuda to Ciawi was temporarily closed to avoid additional landslide potential," he said.

It is known that President Jokowi has inaugurated the Bocimi Toll Road Section 2 Cigombong-Cibadak along 11.90 kilometers (km).

"By saying Bismillahirrohmanirrohim this morning I inaugurate the Ciawi-Sukabumi Toll Road Section 2 of the Cigombong-Cibadak section in Sukabumi Regency, West Java Province," Jokowi said while giving his remarks at the Parungkuda Toll Gate, Friday, August 4, 2023.

Jokowi said that the Ciawi-Sukabumi Toll Road Section 2 is also part of the government's gift for West Java Province, especially the people of Sukabumi in the context of the 78th Anniversary of the Republic of Indonesia.

In addition, said Jokowi, it is certain that people from Jakarta and its surroundings will travel to Sukabumi more quickly with various tourism options that exist there.

"Such as heading to Pelabuhan Ratu, Geopark Ciletuh, Ujung Genteng or Gunung Gede which cut the distance. If from Jakarta to Sukabumi it usually takes up to 5 hours now this toll road only takes approximately 2.5 hours," he said.

For your information, the Bocimi Toll Road consists of four sections with a total length of 53.6 km connecting Bogor City and Bogor Regency with Sukabumi City and Sukabumi Regency.

Section 1 Ciawi-Cigombong along 15.35 km has been operating since December 2018. Then, Section 2 Cigombong-Cibadak along 11.90 km will be operated on August 6, 2023.

Then, Section 3 Cibadak-West Sukabumi along 13.70 km and Section 4 of the West Sukabumi-East Sukabumi along 13.05 km are currently still in the land acquisition stage.

The Ministry of PUPR is optimistic that the construction of the Bogor-Ciawi-Sukabumi Toll Road or the Bocimi Toll Road can be completed soon.

The construction of the Bocimi Toll Road is believed to be completed soon after PT Trans Jabar Tol, which is a subsidiary of PT Waskita Toll Road (WTR), received syndicated loans worth IDR 3.4 trillion from PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (BBRI) and PT Sarana Multi Infrastruktur (Persero) or SMI.

PT SMI also officially acquired 25 percent of PT Waskita Toll Road's shares on PT Trans Jabar Tol (TJT) which is currently working on the Bocimi Toll Road.

Director General of Highways of the Ministry of PUPR Hedy Rahadian admitted that he is optimistic that the Bocimi Toll Road Section 3 Cibadak-Sukabumi will be carried out soon after the injection of funds.

"Wow, I don't memorize that (investment value) for sure. The point is, right, there is certainty for the continuation of the program to section 3. That's all that's important," said Hedy when met at the PUPR Ministry office, Jakarta, Friday, February 2, 2024.

On the other hand, PT SMI plans to increase share ownership on the Bocimi Toll Road by up to 55 percent.

President Director of PT SMI Edwin Syahruzad said that overall his party was preparing to increase funds of around Rp. 1.5 trillion to fulfill the plan to expand the ownership of the Bocimi Toll Road.

"We plan to enter again a majority of up to 54 percent (on the Bocimi Toll Road). Yes, it will be carried out this year," Edwin said in a media briefing at his office, Wednesday, March 27, 2024.

Edwin said that the plan to increase asset ownership on the Bocimi Toll Road by up to 55 percent will be carried out in stages until 2026.

The plan to increase ownership on the Bocimi Toll Road will be carried out through the issuance of new shares by PT TJT. Thus, the Bocimi Toll Road project as a whole is targeted to be completed in 2026.

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