JAKARTA - PT Danareksa (Persero) will merge its two subsidiaries. The two are PT Danareksa Finance and PT PPA Finance in 2024.

"Danareksa Finance with PPA Finance, that's it. But it's a small merger, not a big one like Pelindo," said PT Danareksa (Persero) President Director Yadi Jaya Ruchandi quoting Antara.

Yadi said that Danareksa has two similar financial services companies. This merger is also carried out as a form of efficiency or economy of scale.

According to Yadi, with one financial services company, it will focus more on carrying out its duties.

"If one can focus more, the resources are not two or two," said Yadi.

Yadi said the most important thing about the merger is how the company can run in the future. This merger is one of Danareksa's plans in 2024.

It is known, PT Danareksa (Persero) allocated an investment of IDR 3 trillion in 2024 which was used to inject a number of State-Owned Enterprises that are members of the Danareksa Holding.

Yadi said that the investment camp for a total of 45 subsidiaries was because Danareksa as the Only Transformation and Investment Specialist BUMN Holding in Indonesia did carry out the mandate to scale-up.

Danareksa manages and improves the business scale of holding members through an relay-handling mechanism.

Transformation for companies that are "sick" is carried out by a Danareksa subsidiary engaged in asset management, namely PT Perusahaan Pengelola Assets or PPA.

Then, the company will be revitalized or scaling-up by Danareksa through business transformation and strengthening synergy. The expected final result is BUMN which contributes significantly to the community.

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