JAKARTA - The construction of the South Jakarta-Cikampek (Japek) II Toll Road for almost 62 kilometers (km) continues to be accelerated.

Untuk konstruksi pekerjaan paket 3 ruas Sukabungah-Sedang sepanjang 31.25 km ditargetkan bakal selesai dan siap beroperasi fungsi alias gratis saat libur Lebaran 2024.

In his presentation while accompanying Commission V of the Indonesian House of Representatives to the construction site, Friday, March 15, Director of the Highways Free Barrier Triono Junoasmono said that currently construction completion Package 3 which connects Sukabung-Sedang with its progress has reached 86.08 percent. This section is targeted for completion in the third quarter of 2024.

Triono said, for the Jakarta-Cikampek II South Toll Road Package 3 a functional trial will be conducted several kilometers (km) during Eid homecoming according to the police discretion along 8.5 km, from Sadang to Kutanegara.

"Fungsional (planned only) in one direction from the direction of Bandung, Purwakarta, Sadang and leaving for Kutanegara. Then, from Kutanegara use provincial roads, so they can go out to East Karawang and even West Karawang," said Triono in a statement on the official BPJT website of the Ministry of PUPR, quoted Monday, March 18.

Meanwhile, said Triono, the Package that connects Setu-Sukaragam-Sukabungah has now started in the construction and land acquisition stages. This section is targeted for completion in the first quarter of 2025.

The work on package 2 is divided into two, including Package 2A Setu-Sukaragam with a length of 10.50 km with construction progress reaching 10.36 percent. Then, Package 2B Sukaragam-Sukabuh along 13 km with construction progress reaching 17.06 percent.

"Then, the last one in Package 1 that connects Jatiasih-Setu along the (7.25 km) is targeted for completion of construction after 2024, namely the third quarter of 2028," he said.

The South Japek II Toll Road is divided into 3 sections, including Section 1 Jatiasih-Setu, Section 2 Setu-Tamanmekar and Section 3 Tamanmekar-Sedang.

The construction of this toll road also costs up to IDR 14.69 trillion. Section 3 of this toll road was opened functionally at the Lebaran homecoming in April 2023.

The presence of the Jakarta-Cikampek II Toll Road which crosses the city of Bekasi, Karawang and Purwakarta regencies is expected to be an alternative road user from the direction of Jakarta, such as from Jatiasih directly to Purwakarta and will be connected to the Patimban Port access.

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