PaDi MSME Transactions Achieve IDR 909 Trillion In 2023
Expert Staff to the Minister of SOEs for Strategic Policy Implementation Wahyu Setiawan. (Photo: Doc. Antara)

JAKARTA - The Ministry of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) noted that the value of digital market transactions through the Digital Market platform for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (PADI UMKM) for the period 2023 reached IDR 909 trillion.

"We see that MSME spending transactions on domestic products have progressed, this can be seen from the results of transactions in 2023 with an increase of 65.4 percent compared to 2022. From a value of Rp506 trillion, it has increased to Rp909 trillion," said Expert Staff of the Minister of SOEs for the Implementation of Strategic Policy Wahyu Setiawan in Tangerang, quoted from Antara, Friday, March 8.

He said the transactions recorded on the platform consisted of Business to Business (B2B) and retail as well as e-procurement or e-proc (electronic procurement of government goods/services) from each company in BUMN.

Where, he said, during the 2023 period, the total number of recorded transactions increased by 65.4 percent compared to the transaction value of the previous year. Meanwhile, transactions in 2023 that occurred in PaDI UMKM amounted to Rp909 trillion.

"The compliance of SOEs in reporting it on spending through the PADI platform continues to increase, at the beginning of 2023 through reporting all SOEs until the end of 2023 it has been recorded that up to 78 companies have reported state budget expenditures (APBN)," he said.

He also hopes that in the future the quality of transactions through PBN blanks at the Ministry of SOEs will continue to improve through the digital platform PADI UMKM.

"Hopefully this MSME PADI will continue to grow with the entry of business actors from outside BUMN," he said.

PaDI UMKM is a digital platform that aims to bring together a group of buyers or buyers. The buyer group is almost 100 percent of the state-owned company.

Sellers in the MSME PADI are also spread across all provinces of Indonesia. All transactions are recorded in digital traces so that the data is very accurate and accountable.

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