JAKARTA - The price of a number of food commodities moves up on average before Ramadan or the fasting month. The increase occurred in rice commodities, chicken meat, chicken eggs and cooking oil.
Based on data from the National Food Agency price panel, Wednesday, March 6 at 13.00 WIB, rice prices at the retail traders level have risen again.
The price of premium rice rose by 0.12 percent or Rp20 silver. The price of premium rice is Rp16,500 per kg.
Still citing the same source, the highest price of premium rice is in Papua Province, Mountains of IDR 25,500 per kg.
Meanwhile, the lowest price is in South Sumatra Province, Rp. 14,900 per kg.
The price increase also occurred in medium rice. The price of medium rice this afternoon was recorded to have increased by 0.07 percent or Rp10 silver, to Rp14,340 per kg.
The highest medium rice price is in Papua Province, Mountains, Rp22,360 per kg. Meanwhile, the lowest price is in Jambi at Rp12,600 per kg.
The price of premium and medium rice has exceeded the highest retail price (HET).
The HET is for medium rice of Rp. 10,900 to Rp. 11,800 per kg. Meanwhile, the HET of premium rice is Rp. 13,900 to Rp. 14,800 per kg.
On Monday, March 4, Head of the National Food Agency (Bapanas) Arief Prasetyo Adi revealed that rice prices will fall in the near future. This decrease in rice prices is in line with the entry of the main harvest season in the country.
For your information, this year's first harvest season will start in early March 2024 until the end of March 2024.
Currently, there are a number of areas that have started harvesting, namely, Lamongan, Tuban, Bojonegoro, Sragen, Ngawi, Demak, Grobogan, Lampung, to South Sumatra.
Arief predicts, at this time the national rice production produced is quite high.
In fact, the figure reaches 3 to 3.5 million tons, exceeding the national consumption requirement.
"It is necessary to submit a national expansion update, prices will begin to be corrected as the harvest runs, the figure is 3-3.5 million tons from our needs of 2.5 to 2.6 (million tons)," said Arief.
Referring to the price panel of the National Food Agency, apart from rice, the price of broiler meat also increased by 0.45 percent or Rp170 silver. The national price of chicken meat is Rp37,720 per kg.
Meanwhile, the price of broiler eggs was also observed to increase by 0.10 percent or Rp. 30 silver. The national price of eggs was Rp. 31,280 per kg.
Similar to broiler meat and chicken eggs, the price of cooking oil has also increased.
It was recorded that the price of simple packaged cooking oil rose 0.17 percent or Rp30 silver, to Rp17,670 per kg.
Meanwhile, the price of bulk cooking oil was also observed to increase by 0.26 percent or Rp40 silver. The national price of bulk cooking oil was Rp15,620 per kg.
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