JAKARTA - Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are still the backbone of the national economy. This makes entrepreneurial activities one of the opportunities that people often choose.

Seeing the activities to intensify the spirit of entrepreneurship as well as accelerate economic growth, the Indonesian Franchise Association (AFI) and Neo Expo Promosindo (Neo Expo) opened the 2024 Info Franchise and Business Concept (IFBC) national exhibition at the Indonesia Convention Exhibition (ICE) BSD Tangerang.

The entrepreneurial and franchise exhibition presents business solutions and reference business opportunities for all groups, which present more than 195 brands or national brands.

Director General of Domestic Trade, Isy Karim said the exhibition could at the same time learn to become an entrepreneur towards Indonesia Gold 2045.

"This is the starting point for learning the type of franchise. With this exhibition, new entrepreneurs will grow in the context of Indonesia Gold 2045," he said at ICE BSD, Tangerang, Friday, February 23.

Isy said that currently the franchise business in the country is emerging. For this reason, he continued, his party supports various policies related to the franchise business to make them healthier and more growing.

"Various policies to support this include revisions to Government Regulations of PP 42 of 2007 concerning franchises. Where changes to franchise business rules to make them healthier in growing. We see domestic franchises emerging, we are enthusiastic about supporting this. The government's attention to supporting franchise businesses is even more advanced," he explained.

Neo Expo Promosindo Public Relations Officer, Fredy Ferdianto hopes that the IFBC 2024 exhibition can become a place for local companies to use the domestic market, so as not to lose competitiveness with foreign companies.

"In terms of food alone, there are various kinds of people from each region, meaning that we will encourage and develop local businesses, because Indonesia has a great opportunity in MSMEs," said Fredy.

In addition to Tangerang, Fredy added, IFBC 2024 will also be held in three other major cities, such as in Yogyakarta, Bandung, and Surabaya.

"At the end of May it will be held in Yogyakarta, Bandung in early July, and early September in Surabaya. Then November will return here (Tangerang)," he explained.

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