Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi met with the new Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia Masaki Yasushi at the Ministry of Transportation Building, Jakarta, Friday to discuss the continuation of cooperation in the transportation sector.

"I hope that the cooperation between Indonesia and Japan in various fields, especially in the transportation sector, can be further strengthened and expanded," said the Minister of Transportation in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Friday, February 16.

The Minister of Transportation also explained that he had previously met with the Vice Minister Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism (MLIT) Japan in January 2024. During the meeting, a memorandum of cooperation was signed which reaffirmed the commitment of the two countries to increase cooperation in the transportation sector.

Furthermore, the Minister of Transportation conveyed a number of cooperation projects for the two countries that were of special concern, namely the East-West Jakarta MRT project, Patimban Port, and Bekasi Proving Ground.

Meanwhile, the East-West Jakarta MRT project received special attention from President Joko Widodo. The Minister of Transportation said that the project is targeted to be signed for an agreement loan in March 2024 and a construction contract in early 2026.

"I appreciate the Japanese who agreed to groundbreaking the East-West MRT in August. That means, the President and I had the opportunity to witness this moment," said the Minister of Transportation.

He also hopes that the Japanese government can fully commit to transportation infrastructure projects in Indonesia, including Patimban Port and Bekasi Proving Ground.

"Especially for Patimban Port, we hope for the participation of the Japanese in the development of area backups," said the Minister of Transportation.

The Minister of Transportation said that in April 2024, he will visit Tokyo to meet with the Japanese Government and several potential investors regarding the development of transit-oriented development (TOD) along the North-South and East-West MRT lines.

"Currently, we and MRT Jakarta are coordinating with MLIT and JICA to prepare the business forum," said the Minister of Transportation.

On the same occasion, Masaki Yasushi welcomed the cooperation between Indonesia and Japan in the transportation sector, especially related to the MRT project and Patimban Port. According to him, this cooperation is very important for both countries.

"Regarding the Patimban project, I am very grateful that the Japanese company is prioritized. I will invite Japanese companies to follow the applicable procedures so that this project can be realized," he said.

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