JAKARTA Candidate pair number 2, Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Raka, is committed to providing jobs for the younger generation in the midst of the era of technological disruption.

One way is to adopt Solo Technopark on a national scale to improve the skills of the Indonesian workforce.

"Solo Technopark is among the best in Indonesia for its incubators. Youths will be equipped with future skills, such as programming, web designers, and e-commerce. The technopark vision is to improve skills that are not just preparing them to become job seekers, but instead become job creators," said Spokesperson for Vice President Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Emil Elestianto Dardak, quoted on Sunday, February 4.

We are now in the gig economy era. People work no longer as employees from 9 to 5 at the office. They can be freelance or independent workers, which do not depend on monthly salary slips. Well, these gig workers are what we will print, "added Emil.

For information, gig economy is a term that refers to an economic system where people can work freely, independently, and flexibly without being bound by time and place. Gig economy players can receive jobs from many companies or clients, from within and outside the country, without having to be employees in one office.

With adequate skills, Emil revealed the opportunities for young people to work based on output-oriented instead of input-oriented. This means that they have the potential to get large payments based on the results of their work, not the duration of their work.

Such as songwriters who compose songs in less than 1 hour. We can't pay them small because they write the music quickly. That's an accumulation of his creativity so far. So what we have prepared is productivity that his working format is no longer how long it will take to show a computer screen, but how good productivity is," said the Deputy Governor of East Java.

Emil also said that the Prabowo-Gibran pair will try to synergize the industrial world with vocational education. This is because one of the challenges today is that many workers are not absorbed because their abilities are not needed in the industrial world.

The perpetrators of the industry know best about the skills needed or not. Like Germany, whose leading vocational education is actually in KADIN. Well, this industry is actually thirsty for talent and this is what Mas Gibran does, which is to make industry a talent factory, "explained Emil.

On various occasions, Prabowo-Gibran has always emphasized the commitment to creating 19 million jobs for his 5 years of leadership from various sectors, such as downstreaming, creative economy, energy transition, and MSMEs.

The former Trenggalek Regent for the 2016-2019 period also revealed the plan of candidate pair number 2 to build a work training center (BLK) that was tailored to the needs of downstreaming in the local area.

Downstreaming requires the right ecosystem and this is not easy. One of them is preparing human resources. This is where BLK has a strategic role to play in becoming a supplier, meeting the needs of the workforce which is indeed suitable for the downstream direction. Well, we have a lot of smelters, so what is the configuration of the workforce," he explained.

Ahead of the fifth presidential candidate debate, one of which is social and labor welfare, Emil also revealed Prabowo-Gibran's commitment to prospering the workers.

Mas Gibran attended the Anniversary of the All-Indonesian Workers Union (SPSI) in East Java and said that labor children must be well recorded. So that programs such as Smart Indonesia Cards can be synergized with the needs of workers. In East Java, this has been done with a special quota for workers in high schools and vocational schools. This is also Mas Gibran's commitment to workers," said Emil.

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