JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) has opened its voice regarding the use of online loans (pinjol) for the payment of Single Lecture Money (UKT) at the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).

The Chief Executive of the Behavior Supervisory of Financial Services Business Actors, Education and Protection of OJK Consumers, Friderica Widyasari Dewi, said that the cooperation was between the campus and Danacita, which is a legal company and has an OJK permit.

"Both of them are indeed a business agreement between the two parties, go ahead, the important thing is that both parties should have conducted an assessment," at a press conference, Thursday, January 1, 2024.

The woman who is familiarly called Kiki said that OJK will continue to oversee the cooperation between Danacita and ITB.

The reason is, borrowing is usually short-term, while education funds are long-term.

"Of course we have to pay attention, because this is short-term, yes, and if the education funds should be long. So we will see, we will continue to monitor how this journey is," he said.

According to Kiki, the results of the meeting with Danacita did not find any violations of the rules violated by the loan.

"So far from the information we received, it is still appropriate, nothing has been violated so far so far. But we will continue to monitor it. What will happen in the future, because this is still only August 2023," he explained.

Kiki also said that her party would continue to monitor and consider the social impacts that will occur in the future.

In addition, Kiki said that her party would welcome them if there was a business agreement between the two.

However, he said, what needs to be considered must have related criteria or rules in providing loan options.

"For example, the campus sees whether the terms and conditions offered are in accordance with the characteristics of the students and their needs, on the contrary, the PUJK, the provider also sees whether the terms and conditions given will be fulfilled," he said.

In addition, he continued, the assessment was related to the applicable regulations.

For example, the regulation is in accordance with the characteristics of ITB students and as financial service business actors (PUJK) has also done the same.

"Because don't let it be as discussed earlier, offering or quoting marks instead force products that won't actually fit, don't fit, and won't be paid. It's also a caution hazard," he continued.

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