The Capital Archipelago Authority (OIKN) said that the groundbreaking or groundbreaking phase four at IKN will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17.

"Just 7 months before the 17 August 2024 Ceremony, tomorrow 17 January, the groundbreaking stage four will be carried out," said OIKN Deputy for Funding and Investment Agung Wicaksono in an online media briefing, Tuesday, January 16.

Agung said, there are three categories that carry out groundbreaking, namely from SOEs, private sectors and MSMEs from East Kalimantan.

"Tomorrow, we will start the first groundbreaking in 2024 with three categories, the main thing is the role of SOEs, then private investment and state institutional areas with non-APBN funding," he said.

Even so, Agung has not been able to detail the amount of investment from the groundbreaking activity.

As for now, there have been three groundbreakings by private investors at IKN which have been going on for three periods, namely stages 1, 2, and 3.

Groundbreaking phase 1 takes place in September 2023, stage 2 is held 1-3 November 2023 and the third or last stage is carried out on December 20-21, 2023.

Now, the total investment value that has been included in the IKN project has reached IDR 41.4 trillion.

Based on data belonging to OIKN, here is a list of 10 projects planned to launch groundbreaking on January 17, 2024:

1. Pos Indonesia;

2. Radio Broadcast Studio of the Republic of Indonesia (RRI);

3. SUN Hub ( warehousing area);

4. Jambuluwuk Hotel and Resort;

5. Katadata Green (pilot project reforestation);

6. Nusantara Warehouse Park;

7. IKN Authority Office;

8. State Mosque by the Ministry of PUPR;

9. Memorial Park by the Ministry of PUPR;

10. Office of Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS)

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