JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) targets the Pekanbaru-Padang Section 1 Padang-Sicincin toll road to be completed and operational in July.

Director General of Highways of the Ministry of PUPR Hedy Rahadian said that currently the progress of land acquisition for the Pekanbaru-Padang Toll Road Section 1 Padang-Sicincin is almost complete and has reached 92.6 percent. Meanwhile, the construction progress has reached 47.22 percent.

"It is targeted that the Pekanbaru-Padang Section 1 Padang-Sicincin Toll Road can be completed and functional in July 2024. So, it can support logistics and tourism routes that have an impact on improving the economy in West Sumatra and Riau Provinces," Hedy said in a written statement, Thursday, January 11.

Hedy said the Pekanbaru-Padang Section 1 Padang-Sicincin Toll Road would be divided into 2x2 lanes in the early stages. This section will have three toll gates located at STA 1+800, STA 19+000 and STA 35+800.

"This section will also have one pair of Type A Rest Areas and Services (TIP/Rest Area) located at STA 23+000," he said.

Pekanbaru-Padang Toll Road construction was carried out by PT Hutama Karya (Persero) through the Toll Road Concession Agreement which was signed in October 2017 with an investment value of IDR 9.729 trillion.

It is known that the Pekanbaru-Padang Toll Road has a total length of 254 kilometers (km) with details of Section 1 Padang-Sicincin, Section 2 Sicincin-Bukittinggi, Section 3 Bukittinggi-Payakumbuh, Section 4 Payakumbuh-Pangkalan, Section 5 Pangkalan-Bangkinang and Section 6 Bangkinang-Pekanbaru.

As for 2024, the PUPR Ministry targets the operation of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTTS) Main Corridor, such as the Kuala Tanjung-Tebing Tinggi-Parapat Toll Road (partial Section 2-Section 4), Binjai-Langsa Section 2 Kisaran-Indrapura, and Padang-Pekanbaru (Bangkinang-Pangkalan).

Then, the Sigli-Banda Aceh Toll Road (Section 1 Betung-Jambi Bayung Lencir-Tempino Section, Padang-Pekanbaru (Padang-Sicincin) and Binjai-Langsa (Section 3).

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