JAKARTA - Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati revealed that the health budget in the 2023 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) was realized at IDR 183.2 trillion.
Sri Mulyani Indrawati said at the 2023 APBN Performance and Realization press conference in Jakarta on Tuesday that, although it was sloping compared to previous years, this value was considered higher because it did not contain a budget for COVID-19.
"The health budget during COVID-19 did increase, even reaching IDR 312 trillion, now it is IDR 183.2 trillion. The difference with the COVID-19 period is that some of it is used for shopping related to COVID-19. "So, now without COVID-19, health spending is actually much higher," said Sri Mulyani as quoted by Antara.
No COVID-19 Budget
Based on data from the Ministry of Finance, the realization of the health budget in 2019, namely the period before the COVID-19 pandemic, was recorded at IDR 113.6 trillion. Then in the following year, realization rose to IDR 172.3 trillion due to the pandemic, with details of IDR 52.4 trillion for handling COVID-19 and IDR 119.9 trillion for other health budgets.
In 2021, the budget for COVID-19 is higher than other health budgets, namely IDR 188 trillion and IDR 124.4 trillion respectively. The COVID-19 budget is still provided in 2022 amounting to IDR 53.3 trillion, while the other health budget is IDR 134.8 trillion.
Only in 2023, the actual health budget will not channel funds for COVID-19.
In detail, the health budget in 2023 will be distributed through ministries/institutions (K/L) amounting to IDR 109.5 trillion, non-K/L IDR 10.3 trillion, and transfers to regions (TKD) IDR 63.4 trillion.
Shopping through K/L is used for recipients of National Health Insurance Contribution Assistance (PBI JKN) IDR 46.3 trillion, assignment of 5,754 health workers to disadvantaged areas IDR 27.6 trillion, examination of drug and cosmetic samples IDR 33.9 billion, as well as provision of contraceptive devices or drugs to 19,606 institutions amounting to IDR 520.4 billion.
Shopping through non-K/L is used for health insurance for civil servants/TNI/Polri worth IDR 10.3 trillion. Meanwhile, through TKD, IDR 15.6 trillion is used for BOK and BOKB, IDR 12.4 trillion for physical health DAK, and IDR 26 trillion for DAU and DBH.
The Ministry of Finance also allocated a budget to accelerate stunting reduction through K/L, which was distributed to provide additional food for 40 thousand pregnant women with chronic energy deficiency (KEK) worth IDR 44.8 billion and 138.9 tribes of underweight toddlers amounting to IDR 20.3 billion.
Then, continued Sri Mulyani, it was also to facilitate the development of 1,000 layoffs for 7.7 million families with toddlers amounting to IDR 40.6 billion, micronutrient supplementation for toddlers IDR 13.1 billion, and routine immunizations worth IDR 944.8 billion.
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