The Capital Authority of the Archipelago (OIKN) said that the Draft document for the preparation of Biological Diversity Management Identification at IKN will be launched in early 2024.

This was conveyed by the Deputy for Environment and Natural Resources of the IKN Authority, Myrna Safitri in a virtual public consultation of the IKN Biodiversity Management Master Plan, on Wednesday, December 27.

Myrna revealed that the preparation of the Biological Diversity Management Master Plan at IKN is a form of cooperation between the IKN Authority and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) through the Sustainable Infrastructure Assistance Program Phase II activity.

There have been several activities that have been carried out during the preparation of the document, such as field visits, data collection, workshops for survey results, and Focus Group Discussion which have involved various ministries, experts, academics, and NGOs.

"With the support of the Asian Development Bank, we have started efforts to compile this document several months ago. In addition, we are also conducting a survey to compile a baseline for biodiversity in IKN," said Myrna.

Myrna assessed that the baseline or basic stages in the preparation of the Biological Diversity Management Main at IKN is important for her to make future plans.

He said the area designated as IKN was slightly different from other Kalimantan regions. Therefore, continued Myrna, his party needs a new baseline on biodiversity when IKN has been established.

"Of course, when we later have the status of a special regional government, we also have an obligation to follow the president's instructions regarding the mainstreaming of biodiversity in development," he said.

Furthermore, Myrna said as stated in the master plan for IKN development, that IKN will become a world-class sustainable city.

To make this happen, continued Myrna, his party has an obligation to optimize and integrate aspects of biodiversity protection in environmental development in IKN.

"Of course we have an obligation to align existing activities with various international obligations," said Myrna.

On the other hand, said Myrna, in the ecosystem situation in IKN, it is known that most of them have been damaged, even before the establishment of IKN. Therefore, extra efforts are needed to protect biology by recovering the existing ecosystem.

In the ecosystem situation in IKN, it is known that most of them have been damaged, even before the establishment of IKN. Therefore, Myrna said, extra efforts are needed to protect biodiversity by recovering the existing ecosystem.

"So, it will be a tough homework for us. However, we believe that this IKN is a place for us to show the seriousness of aligning environmental aspects in development," he added.

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