Vice Presidential Candidate Number 2, Gibran Rakabuming Raka said that many parties failed to understand the development of the capital city of the archipelago (IKN).

According to him, there are still many people who think that the IKN development uses funds sourced from the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN).

This is Gibran's answer to the question raised by the panelis regarding the choice between infrastructure development and economic development and human resources (HR).

"Not all of them have to use the State Budget, for example, IKN, has failed to understand. Not 100 percent use the State Budget," he said in the Vice Presidential Candidate Debate, Friday, December 22.

Gibran said that the IKN development only uses 20 percent of the funds sourced from the APBN, while the rest are investments from the private sector and abroad.

"Many of these failed to understand," added Gibran.

Meanwhile, regarding the choice between human resources and infrastructure development, Gibran emphasized that the two must go hand in hand. This is because Indonesia's journey to Indonesia Gold has decided the golden generation.

"Both are important and must run in parallel. Need future talents who master future skills," continued Gibran.

He gave an example, for education at the SMK level, do need qualified equipment and in accordance with the times so that the quality of vocational school graduates is ready to work.

Thus, physical infrastructure development does not only use the state budget but can collaborate with the private sector.

"It can collaborate with the private sector, with CSR. So it doesn't have to be burdened with the state budget," he concluded.

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