JAKARTA - Director General of Oil and Gas at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Tutuka Ariadji asked the public to immediately register. The reason is, starting January 1, 2024, the purchase of 3 Kg of LPG can only be made by certain registered LPG users.

"For 3 Kg LPG cylinder users who have not been registered or want to check the user's status, they must register or check their personal data in the official Sub Channel/Pangkalan before making a transaction," he said in a statement to the media, Tuesday, December 19.

Tutuka added that this step was an effort by the government to carry out the transformation of the distribution of 3 kg LPG cylinders on target. This policy aims to make the increasing amount of subsidies fully enjoyed by groups of people unable or on target.

To register, he said, the public only needs to show a Identity Card (KTP) and a Family Card (KK) at the official Distributor/Pangkalan.

"People don't need to worry because the registration process is very easy, fast, and safe. It's enough to show your ID card and family card," continued Tutuka.

In addition to being easy and fast in the registration process, Tutuka explained that the public also does not need to worry about the security of consumer personal data. He explained that the Government and the Assignment Recipient Business Entity (PT Pertamina) guarantee that the 3 Kg LPG consumer data that has been registered and recorded at the Pertamina app merchants will be protected in accordance with the provisions of Law Number 27 of 2022 concerning Personal Data Protection.

From data recorded as of November 2023, 27.8 million LPG users have transacted through Pertamina's app merchants at the official Distribution/Pangkalan. To maximize the 3 Kg cylinder LPG data collection process, the Government encourages LPG users who have not been registered to register immediately.

Data collection of 3 Kg LPG LPG users as the first step in this transformation process is carried out from March 1 to December 31, 2023. Tutuka explained that the data collection of 3 Kg LPG users is a follow-up to the 2023 Financial Note which states that the Government's commitment to carry out steps to transform 3 Kg LPG cylinder subsidies into target recipients or by name by address and is integrated with a social protection program in stages.

Tutuka further said that the distribution of 3 Kg cylinder LPG needs to be carried out on target considering that this 3 Kg LPG cylinder is also an important item in accordance with the provisions of Presidential Regulation Number 71 of 2015. In addition, 3 Kg cylinder LPG also has user targets, namely households for cooking, micro businesses for cooking, target fishermen, and target farmers, according to the provisions in Presidential Regulation Number 104 of 2007 and Presidential Regulation Number 38 of 2019.

Just so you know, as a form of commitment and follow-up of the Government in the implementation of the 3 Kg cylinder LPG distribution transformation on target, a Decree of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources No. 37.K/MG.01/MEM.M/2023 concerning Technical Guidelines for Re-Distribution of Specific Gas Liquefied Petroleum Right on Target and Decree of the Director General of Oil and Gas No. 99.K/MG.05/DJM/2023 concerning the Establishment of Regions and Implementation Time for the Re-Fitration of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Determinantly Right Targeted.

"The government has issued technical instructions and implementing regulations as a form of the Government's commitment to the implementation of the 3 kg LPG distribution transformation so that it is right on target," concluded Tutuka.

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