JAKARTA - As a form of commitment in efforts to support Financial Inclusion Growth and encourage the digitization of BPR in Indonesia, at the end of this year, the Communal is proud to launch the Latest Innovation Product called KAIROS CBS.

KAIROS CBS is a Software as a Service Core Banking System service that was built by prioritizing security, convenience, and business needs of BPR.

The presence of KAIROS CBS is expected to be a solution to the various main obstacles faced by BPR in the application of digital technology today.

Communal CTO, Devin Marco said, KAIROS CBS is here as a solution to several major obstacles faced by BPR in the application of digital technology, such as obstructions to digital technology implementation strategies; the large cost of investing in digital technology; to human resource constraints that are truly experts and trusted to implement these digital technologies.

Furthermore, Devin explained, that KAIROS CBS is specially designed to be a connective software from the product ecosystem that is currently owned by the Communal.

So that later the BPR-BPR will be able to enjoy not only banking services for BPR's own operational needs, but will also be able to easily access Communal products such as Communal P2P and Deposit BPR by Communal which will be integrated directly with KAIROS CBS.

Komunal CEO, Hendry Lieviant added, his party is grateful for the progress and achievements of the Communal throughout this year.

"The two best Communal products are the first Communal P2P. Productive loan platforms that have succeeded in disbursing a total of IDR 4.4 trillion of productive loans to more than 1,300 MSMEs throughout Indonesia," said Hendry.

The second product, namely Deposit BPR by Communal, is the first marketplace application specifically for BPR Deposit products in Indonesia which has succeeded in disbursing deposit funds of IDR 7 trillion to more than 330 selected BPR partners who have joined the Communal.

"The selection includes, first, the legal aspect. Not currently under OJK supervision, it is already included in the LPS," explained Hendry

Throughout 2023, Communal won a number of appreciations and recognitions from the community, organizations and the government, including the awarding of the 2023 ASEAN Business Awards Top 3, the Innovative Investment Category, at the ASEAN Summit 2023.

In addition, Communal was also elected as a speaker at The Symposium on Digital Economy & Sustainability and The Launch of The Digital Innovation and Sustainable Economic Center organized by the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and ERIA: Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia.

Devin added, in line with the current development of the sharing economy, the CBS Kairos allows BPR users not only to meet operational needs but also to collaborate indefinitely with other services to improve BPR's competitive capabilities in the digital era.

"Some of the collaboration services that have been provided are services from the Communal ecosystem to support BPR to gain access to new markets through Communal P2P, as well as access to liquidity through Deposit BPR by Communal," concluded Devin.

The collaboration function provided will continue to be developed according to the needs of BPR in Indonesia.

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